
そもそもon projectile collideがキャンセル不可な可能性もありますけどね
on projectile collide:
if event-entity is an armor stand:
if metadata "color" of event-entity contain metadata "color" of event-projectile:
cancel event
on projectile collide:
if event-entity is an armor stand:
if metadata "color" of event-entity contain metadata "color" of event-projectile:
cancel event
7 Replies
ねんねこ11mo ago
これはひどいかも 雪玉が当たっても、防具立てって判定されない時がある
collideイベントの中では当たったエンティティはprojectile targetらしい
ねんねこ11mo ago
on projectile collide:
broadcast "c"
if projectile target is an armor stand:
broadcast "b"
if metadata "color" of projectile target contain metadata "color" of event-projectile:
broadcast "a"
cancel event
on projectile collide:
broadcast "c"
if projectile target is an armor stand:
broadcast "b"
if metadata "color" of projectile target contain metadata "color" of event-projectile:
broadcast "a"
cancel event
やっぱりだめでした cとしか出力されません
projectile targetを出力したらなんて出る
ねんねこ11mo ago
armor stand
じゃあ動いてないの条件じゃん」 type of projectile targetとか "%projectile target%" is "armor stand"とか 色々試そう
ねんねこ11mo ago
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