Transition to shutdown state: MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close

Ive searched around and some people have a hot pi when this happens - I dont think I have. Can anyone help me solve this problem? My small amount of understanding results in this graph from the klippy.log by using after reboot, showing the cpu is not overloaded. So I installed htop to view the proceses and I'm surpriosed to see ffmpeg using 50% cpu, im guessing thats for the webcam. Otherwise Im stumped to the cause.
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9 Replies
what size and brand of SD card are you using?
SimonSolar2C11mo ago
Unsure but I think its a U10 32GB - does my graph indicate that could be an issue?
SimonSolar2C11mo ago
Thanks - Ive had a read - but there are so many rabbit holes to go down with this 'Timer too close' how do you know its the SD card at fault - does the graph tell you that?
The graph shows nothing, which is why I am guessing it's the SD card
SimonSolar2C11mo ago
When I say rabbit holes I’m referring to the error message: “excessive CPU time, high swap usage, disk errors, overheating, unstable voltage, or similar system problems on the host computer.” So I need to ‘work the problem’ and consider each: Disc - I’m gonna assume my SD card is an Extreme because I didn’t cheap out building this machine-can’t get behind it right now. Temperature? Doubt that too because I’ve had this error before and pi had not been throttled - ( there is a Linux tool to check that can be run through ash whilst in the error screen) - excessive CPU time-that may be my problem due to the 50% fmpeg - I’ll try lowering frame rate and observe - high swap usage- dunno how to test that - disk errors - surely that data is in klippy or some log we can graph? - overheating - I don’t have a fan but - unstable voltage-nope I have a seperate power supply for pi - or similar system problems on the host computer.-?? Say what? I’m surprised I haven’t found a thread on this whole topic and also that there isn’t a graphing tool for all the related variables in the logs which would enable quick analysis rather than trial and error
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SimonSolar2C11mo ago
So I tried changing the webcam framerate, ands restarted it and weirdly the ffmpeg process disappeared. No more 50% CPU loading. I wonder if there is a bug in the timelapse module causing this excess after a print finishes. I keep the htop process running and observe after print stops.
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SimonSolar2C11mo ago
During fmpeg timelapse processing
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SimonSolar2C11mo ago
After: ( no big process) I ran that timelapse render manually so jury is still out until next big print finishes (tomorrow) and the auto render happens.
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