Style Progression Thread

Hey folks Some of us have been in this niche to long for awhile so thought it would be cool to bring back a classic style progression thread to show some newer users what that can be like. Started getting into fashion back in 2016ish. Started learning about more brands than the gap, leaning into street wear (uniqlo, super dry, cdg play) Soon in 2017-2019 I became pretty Rick Owens pilled and started moving my wardrobe towards that direction, Some horrible fits but a great time for experimentation Eventually got tired of it. I didn’t feel like the clothing fit well on my body, so I wanted to experiment more with different looks and brands, particularly Yohji, so I started acquiring more Japanese brands like YY, CDG, Kapital, etc. it took a lot of experimentation to understand how to make it look nice and proportional and color coordinated, but I was a lot happier in flowy and oversized garments. Then in 2020 started getting into Demna’s work and mainly started acquiring Vetements and Balenciaga, really enjoying how many types of classic looks were totally remixed and reworked. Accrued a collection at this point. Finally here we are today where I acquire from a pretty wide variety of brands, if it’s good I buy it :3 Overall my suggestions would be experiment experiement experiement! try shit on, keep iterating on your outfit in the mirror, especially when playing with silhouettes, and buy everything designer secondhand
95 Replies
this is good content
mewball11mo ago
And now the current from this past month for reference 🙂 I am exploring femininity more lately but overall am pretty happy with how I dress
Joseph Daniel
Joseph Daniel11mo ago
this rocks
Gideo11mo ago
seeing guidis twice already is a sign harold amazing progression! I can’t look at my outfits from a decade ago
SLUGGER11mo ago
love that you stopped smiling after the first pic lol
mewball11mo ago
setfiretoflames11mo ago
PL2s for everything
mewball11mo ago
i do love my pl2s.. sold all my other gweeds but i kinda miss the 992 derbies lately.
setfiretoflames11mo ago
Every once in a while I miss my 988s but they were slightly too big on me and had a lot of heel slip
mewball11mo ago
yeah thats kinda like my pl2s tbh. i think about sizing down but they run narrow and don't actually hurt my feet so meh,,, one day maybe.
SLUGGER11mo ago
oh why do you say you're pretty happy w how you dress though? anything you think is lacking?
mewball11mo ago
i feel like style is always changing and evolving! so i can always dress cuter :3 but im happy with where it is right now something i'd like to fill out more is accessories, i have some now but don't have much esp in terms of jewelry
Whocault11mo ago
That cgd (I'm guessing?) priest look is just perfection in my eyes. I really appreciate you sharing the progression too, as someone very much still working to embrace my queerness is my own style
Gideo11mo ago
mine is the kiko asics with plants in the background 🔥🔥🔥
SLUGGER11mo ago
ooooh yeah finding nice jewelry that isn't $$$$ is such a pain
mewball11mo ago
yeah, for me its like either high end silver from a cute brand or just like, etsy/random market tier
wren11mo ago
oh thisll be funny
wren11mo ago
these were from when i was abt 15-16ish? wasnt really into fashion, lurked around /fa/ a bit.
wren11mo ago
these are just abt all i could salvage from the rest of high school, got really into a sort of mori boy clothes, japan type beat
wren11mo ago
first 2 years of college i became goth and a woman, had really cringe hair, started talking to people abt clothes online
wren11mo ago
then i got really into demna and japanese twink rocker clothes, kind of settled into my current state of twink simulacrum
wren11mo ago
also got some rick
Gideo11mo ago
Dang these are all really good too! Tbh I think your early ones aren’t even bad at all
wren11mo ago
and started dressing a bit funny all the time i also transitioned and detransitioned and semi retransitioned
mewball11mo ago
@bri.d my goat
wren11mo ago
couple more bangers from recent times
mewball11mo ago
damn i dont think i saw that fifrst one so good w2c miffy tee
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Skirt with the bow absolute banger Big Boots good
yurt11mo ago
I have similar and cowash with a bunch of cheap silicone free conditioner and use a DevaCurl mousse Full disclosure idk if I'd pay for the mousse, my friend shoplifted it and gave it to me :P cowash, condition, mousse or gel, plop
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Damn I’ve had some goofy fits. 2015-2023
Gideo11mo ago
This looks great! What's the checkered coat/scarf(?) under the peacoat?
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Neon Wave
3D Scarf
A perfect example of Byborre innovation through creative textile design and programming. Each scarf has been constructed with an Egyptian cotton and polyester blend, using the on-pattern 3D knit type to create wearable art in collaboration with Henk Schiffmacher.
Gideo11mo ago
Haha I was thinking of Byborre because of the 3d pattern! Thank you
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Welcome. Byborre is cool, I wish I had more of their stuff
mewball11mo ago
Similar to Yurt. I have thick hair so I tend to mostly cowash with conditioner and shampoo when needed (too oily, product build up, etc) which is usually about once a week or two these days. I’ve also been using biolage defrizz leave in conditioner to help deal with humidity
Halo11mo ago
Can I ask what the red pants in the last pic here are? Great thread and excellent photography btw. Super cool to see the beginnings of personal touches as you go :)
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mewball11mo ago
Anglan balloon cords. I actually have them for sale haha.
Halo11mo ago
Thank you! and huh, second thing to pop up when I googled, haha. I'd be on that immediately if we were the same size, but alas...
mewball11mo ago
They fit huge in the waist and have a drawstring! But yeah haha
setfiretoflames11mo ago
some stuff from over the years. trying and failing to find some earlier fits
setfiretoflames11mo ago
2 more
mcribbed11mo ago
any advice on finding/matching over-the-shoulder shirts like this? i'm intrigued
wren11mo ago
u mean the one in the last pic? also wdym 'matching'
mcribbed11mo ago
yeah, and idk, putting it with other clothes in a way that looks good
wren11mo ago
ah ok so that shirt is ann demeulemeester u can find them secondhand pretty frequently styling wise its just like a gay t shirt just style it as u would any other t shirt maybe put a flowy top over it like a big overshirt or an equally gay sweater otherwise just like wearing it half tucked w any pants or skirts u like should be fine its just a neutral colored t shirt
mcribbed11mo ago
this is helpful thank you, i did not know how to style a gay t shirt
wren11mo ago
for stuff like that i think u just gotta not overthink it if it seems like it looks good it /probably/ looks good i cant really think of another designer that does tees exactly like that so if you want a tee that specifically looks like that look for the ann one that is asymmetrical with a huge ass neckline
wren11mo ago
アンドゥムルメステール ボーダーアシメトリーTシャツ
アンドゥムルメステール ボーダーアシメトリーTシャツをメルカリでお得に通販、誰でも安心して簡単に売り買いが楽しめるフリマサービスです。新品/未使用品も多数、支払いはクレジットカード・キャリア決済・コンビニ・銀行ATMが利用可能で、品物が届いてから出品者に入金される独自システムのため安心です。
wren11mo ago
アンドゥムルメステール 半袖 カットソー
アンドゥムルメステール 半袖 カットソーをメルカリでお得に通販、誰でも安心して簡単に売り買いが楽しめるフリマサービスです。新品/未使用品も多数、支払いはクレジットカード・キャリア決済・コンビニ・銀行ATMが利用可能で、品物が届いてから出品者に入金される独自システムのため安心です。
wren11mo ago
or this in case you want to know that outfit specifically is with lgb jeans and a beauty:beast necklace
BlueEyes11mo ago
This is tight I wanna do this
mewball11mo ago
yessss yours is great lol
BlueEyes11mo ago
in high school I was a scene kid (I have pictures of that somewhere but not included here) Around 2011 I started dressing really preppy, got super in to that + workwear for the next 4 years and also faded a niche internet famous(??) pair of jeans.
BlueEyes11mo ago
In 2014 I found out what Rick was and got really obsessed but also couldn't afford very much of it and also dressed pretty bad
BlueEyes11mo ago
By like 2017 I think I was wearing almost entirely rick, just cycling a very small wardrobe of basics. In 2021 I got my first non-Rick item in a very long time (Balenciaga lol) And started to loosen up a bit and get some diversity in there
BlueEyes11mo ago
BlueEyes11mo ago
But overall I'm still obviously pretty heavy on the Rick, I just got a lil funkier with it.
Gideo11mo ago
I saw your Vogue video xd
BlueEyes11mo ago
Right yes and there was a couple vogue articles about me. Throw that in the style progression
Gideo11mo ago
full rick is one of the only uniform looks i can get behind
BlueEyes11mo ago
Nah there's plenty o' good uniforms. Rick is just ez mode
mewball11mo ago
RICHARD OWENS obligatory gib beeg shorts
BlueEyes11mo ago
Obligatory which pair 😈
mewball11mo ago
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
I’m a blue eyes historian and you are correct
BlueEyes11mo ago
Thank you Michael
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
I’ll do mine too, though it’s not as crazy because I never had a Rick era. Early MFA era, real ones remember the “copy” identity protection
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Then a long break and mostly wearing the same thing everyday, then covid and I got bored and started going back on the fashion communities
mewball11mo ago
u look crazy without a beard. cool progression though you stayed true to ur style tbh
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Then making my own stuff and modifying clothes
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
More cropped tops (still wearing my teeny apcs)
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Wider fits and more experimentation playful stuff
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
And current era, more different silhouettes, more fun, more new pieces and a lot of old ones still just worn better
BlueEyes11mo ago
The actual fade king
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
Simply wear only one pair of jeans nearly every day until your ass is out
zacheadams11mo ago
zacheadams11mo ago
it's ridic to realize these are chronological bc that first fit of adult me is from 2012 and 3 pics later in the intarsia is in 2017 (still 6 years ago) and feels like it's largely representative of what I wear now ten years of wanting to wear Rick or casual techwear -> actually just wearing that now (outside of my Gap Kid childhood and Undercover phase)
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Take us to church
kyoko11mo ago
is it weird if i save the pic of u as a kid for inspo LOOL seeing pics from your workwear era always throws me for a loop lmao . that denim jacket is fire honestly
mewball11mo ago
BlueEyes11mo ago
The one with the brass clips? It’s from H&M lol
kyoko11mo ago
honestly pretty cool i'd rock it now
zacheadams11mo ago
go for it, it's all in a public album of myself I keep for lifelong stuff the 231 photo progress album
kyoko11mo ago
zacheadams11mo ago
there's shit in there that's fun cringe but isn't full fitpic
kyoko11mo ago
Sorry, I didn't realize this thread existed until today so I posted some photos of my style progression but I love being nostalgic so I'm doing a little more in-depth post here. I really can't remember a time before I was interested in fashion. In elementary school i wore a black velvet cape, pearl choker, and knee-high converse and I really haven't changed much since then. I only have good photos of my clothes starting in high school when I joined instagram. Phase 1: pov you live in the suburbs In high school started getting more serious about fashion, I was reading Susie Lau's blog, manrepeller, Keiko Lynn, and buying vogue every once in a while. I had really limited access to clothing since I was a) poor b) living in the opposite of a fashion metropolis, so I started making my own clothes (I made the blue and pink dress in the middle).
kyoko11mo ago
Phase 2: the marvelous mrs maisel or something I went to film school to study production design, so I started picking up influences from film & TV. Maggie Cheung in In the Mood for Love and Sienna Miller in factory girl were my biggest influences. I was really into the costume of fashion and dressing in head-to-toe decade vintage, mostly the 50s-70s.
kyoko11mo ago
Phase 3: online fashion I joined reddit, discord, and facebook communities for fashion in 2019 and it opened my eyes to so many fashion subcultures I had never explored before. I started working in fashion and making friends with people who were similarly interested and inspired me in real life. Instead of dressing in all one style/decade, I tried to switch it up and be more eclectic. Still made a lot of my own clothes. This is also when I realized I was nonbinary so I started dressing more masc occasionally, leading up to present day. ty all for inspiring me every day 🥺 ♥️
Gideo11mo ago
waow ur famous (to me)!
jawntanamo_bae11mo ago
Sequined dress with Chucks at Skee Ball is v punk
kyoko11mo ago
I was a baby punk at the time 🥺
rebound211mo ago
is this in the substack? i love this post and could see myself coming back to it for a while I'm too early into this fashion thing to have any distinct changes in style between my high school jeans-and-a-hoodie era and finding something that is actually somewhat concrete to record in this thread. maybe one day
bishopcorrigan11mo ago
We’re planning on archiving it somehow