Snap to Guides interferes with models and parts of sketches.

Slight problem withthe snap to guide. It interferes with models and sketches as well where it will randomly snap what you've created to the guide when you dont want it to. It might be helpful if we can select brush strokes and take the snapping ability off on a toggle like a magnet icon so you can still use grids to create an art piece and not have to toggle guides off because other things are snapping to them as well.
21 Replies
Zandy11mo ago
Just need to make note that this is not the official snap tool....objects and pieces are snapping to the grid on their own.
andybak11mo ago
ah. That's interesting.
Zandy11mo ago
thought that was a new feature...which is cool when you want that to occur.
andybak11mo ago
when you say "objects" brush strokes as well? or just images, models etc
Zandy11mo ago
selected brush strokes and models or imported (merged) sketches.
andybak11mo ago
so anything selected really?
Zandy11mo ago
andybak11mo ago
ok. so if I open up the same version you're using and draw a single stroke, then select it - will I see the problem or do I have to do something specific?
Zandy11mo ago
have the guide out first. Select multiple strokes or use an old piece or model imported. You'll see it happen
andybak11mo ago
you said "grid" originally. What's the connection with guides?
Zandy11mo ago
It gets wigged out too....starts flipping around like a fish It happened with a cube guide
andybak11mo ago
ah right so it's more "snapping to guides interferes with stuff" i got confused when you mentioned grids (i guess the guides do have a grid drawn on them!)
Zandy11mo ago
Yes but I dont have any snap feature activated. It seems to get attracted to the guide on its own like a magnet
andybak11mo ago
yes. i get you now. So to be clear - the "grabbed objects snap to guides" is a new feature that's only currently on the experimental builds. But I was considering bringing it into the beta so I'll leave it here. (EDIT - I was wrong. See below. It's actually in the current beta) @zandyxr Would it be good enough to have a toggle on the snap settings which turns off "selected objects snap to guides"?
Zandy11mo ago
I think that would be perfect for a solution
andybak11mo ago
OK. I'll do that for now.
Zandy11mo ago
Maybe default it to off like the other snap to’s
andybak11mo ago
andybak11mo ago
Lol. I'm talking rubbish! This feature is in the current beta. It was merged here:
andybak11mo ago
I'll make it off by default and give it a UI button as part of the Transform Panel branch: That changes the UI for snapping quite a bit so it makes sense to improve it there.
Zandy11mo ago
Sounds great. Thanks for fixing this...and adding the feature!