Website for local/generic barber

I want to create and host a website for my local barber mainly as a hobby project to get some practical experience. Just think of a generic barber website.. Content will probably just include some pictures, maybe a contact form, opening hours and offerings so mostly static. Maybe an admin view to update content. I already have experience with the T3-Stack, vercel, planetscale, .net core mvc and bootstrap. What would be the optimal tech stack? Also, what about hosting (vercel? + something for DB)?
12 Replies
Sturlen11mo ago
depends on what you're making. can people book appointments via it is it just to list contact info?
nikdav11mo ago
No appointments, everything static. Expect the admin view for uploading pictures, changing info.
Sturlen11mo ago
t3 stack would work just fine for that. db can be whatever you prefer
nikdav11mo ago
Should I use next auth for the admin view? General users would ofc need no authentication for anything.
Sturlen11mo ago
nikdav11mo ago
Okay thank you! What do you think about hosting? Vercel and an own server or paying planetscale?
Sturlen11mo ago
vercel and planetscale have pretty good free tiers if you can manage to stay inside them. I recommend chekcing out their pricing sites to see if they fit
_mosch11mo ago
For a purely static page i think Astro is worth to look at. For a Admin View you could use a Headless CMS
Kuba11mo ago
Second this. Much simpler solution for such use case.
Ramsay11mo ago
Honestly anything other than wordpress sounds like overkill to me lol
zsrobinson11mo ago
Yeah I think Astro would be a really good choice for something that's just static like this. Though, it would be neat to make some sort of appointment booking system separately if the goal is to get practice with the t3 stack, even if your barber friend doesn't actually need it
_mosch11mo ago
I think getting experience with next/t3 is the reason to use it here. Always do the same - build it half way - and then think: „that’s dumb. I am gonna use the better suited thing“ That though was during the time I only knew react tho. Next for sure isn’t a bad solution here - just overkill