Sorting imports

Which of these options is the best for sorting imports? I guess Prettier plugin because sorting imports it's more like the specialization of formatter? 1. trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports 2. Build-in to ESlint sort-imports 3. eslint-plugin-import (import/order) 4. eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
2 Replies
SHAKA PAKA11mo ago
What cons and pros, maybe in your experience you rated them and can say what is better in terms of ease of use or configurations.
putnikproj11mo ago
I use '@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports', and I'm pretty happy with it. It seems the best option to me among others. Here is my prettier config for Next.js to make this plugin work as I need: module.exports = { // ... importOrder: [ "^(next/(.)$)|^(next$)", "^(react/(.)$)|^(react$)", "<THIRD_PARTY_MODULES>", "", "^types$", "^@/env(.)$", "^@/types/(.)$", "", "^@/lib/(.)$", "^@/hooks/(.)$", "", "^@/components/ui/(.)$", "^@/components/(.)$", "^@/app/(.*)$", "", "^[./]", ], importOrderTypeScriptVersion: "5.0.0", plugins: ["@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"], };