Unable to connect with GitHub

I’d like to move my site from GitHub Pages to Cloudflare Pages. However, whenever I click „Connect with GitHub“, I authenticate within the GitHub UI, but then I get redirected to a 403 page in Cloudflare and the account appears not to be connected. I’ve tried reconnecting like 5 times already over the span of a few days, the result is always the same. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug on Cloudflare’s end?
8 Replies
Erisa11mo ago
Do you see Cloudflare Pages listed under https://github.com/settings/installations ? If so, can you remove it and then try linking again?
andrrreas11mo ago
Yes, I have already tried doing so multiple times. Each time I removed it both from the „GitHub Apps“ tab and the „Authorized OAuth apps“ tab. I just tried it again and it still doesn’t work.
Erisa11mo ago
Whats your account ID? @Walshy | Pages this seems weird unless I'm missing something
andrrreas11mo ago
Where can I find it?
Erisa11mo ago
Easiest way is the URL of the dashboard pages
andrrreas11mo ago
There you go a9e2c938181c1772b8daf1df4b7ef837
Walshy11mo ago
403 page is strange, are you added to someone elses account/org?
andrrreas11mo ago
Nope, it's my own I am a member in multiple Github orgs where I'm asked to select one of them. I always select my own account though The 403 page comes up for a few seconds just after I get redirected back to Cloudflare from Github, then it disappears and I'm on the Pages home page again Any news on this?