Best retention rates for youtube shorts?

I’ve been doing youtube shorts for 2 weeks now, and run a basketball page. My highest retention % atm is 130% for a 15 second short, but when it started getting pushed to more people it dropped from 160 to 130%. My average retention is anywhere from 109 - 128 percent, is this good? Others have told me I need more % in my retention for my videos to blow up.
54 Replies
War000011mo ago
my guess is longer videos how many views do you get i bet if you made a longer video with that retention level youd get exponetially higher views cause youtube rewards those who keep the user watching
andrevw11mo ago
Somewhere around 3-6k, my highest viewed short is 12k Normally my videos are on the 15-20 second mark, do you know what would be considered good retention for that long? @war0000
Ginnetix11mo ago
I’ve been doing daily Shorts for almost 3months now. I will say, retention over 100% is fine. I would be looking at the Viewed vs Swiped. If you have more people swiping away, then the first 1-2secs of the Short wasn’t good enough to grab the attention of someone that’s scrolling through their Shorts feed. 🤷‍♂️ Hope this helps. 👍🏼
andrevw11mo ago
Thank you! My normal splits are 60/40, 60 viewed 40 swiped. Is that good or could be better? Im not sure if that is
Ginnetix11mo ago
That's pretty good. Obviously, you'd want to shoot higher, but you're doing something right. How many views do your videos get? That's around the 8k-10k range I think, right? oh, i just saw this. So you could try making longer shorts since your at 60% viewed. Experiment with your hook, and you can also try increasing the length 5-10sec. If the retention is still cranking 100%+, try a little longer. Are most of your views from the Shorts Feed? Look at Searched too. If you have searchable titles and descriptions, that will also bump your views up.
andrevw11mo ago
Mainly everything is from the shorts feed. Sorry for the late reply, was doing some errands. But yea mainly my videos are 15-18 seconds. Im not sure if longer vids are succesful for me cause the retention drops to about 70-80 With that being said, do you need a higher viewed vs swiped to get more views?
Ginnetix11mo ago
yes, you'll get more views the higher you get that.
andrevw11mo ago
So do you think its impossible to get a viral vid if it isnt 70%+? or have you seen cases where its been 60 maybe even high 50s and it still goes viral
Ginnetix11mo ago
If your videos stay the same length, you can pretty much gauge the amount of views it'll get after the first hour by look at the view/swiped and retention. But i'd imagine that if you have a longer video that has the same retention & view/swiped you get, you'll see a higher amount of views.
andrevw11mo ago
Normally my shorts dont get views til 2-3 hours after. Recently, ive been seing improvement. It now reaches 5-7k views for the first batch it goes to. Has 100%+ retention at minimum but only has 60 - mid 60 view/swiped. I heard how shorts can randomly go popular out of no where so i wonder if it will go anywhere
Ginnetix11mo ago
It's a bit harder to gauge (that's what happens to me too), so I like to look at it periodically to see how it's performing. But that's just because I'm super hooked to it. I'd say a good rule of thumb is to wait 24hrs and check the analytics from there. You'll have a solid understand on what's going to happen to the video. Another thing you can do is look for the analytic tab that shows what other creators your audience watch. Look through their content to get a better understanding on which direction to mold your content See what titles and descriptions they use as well Because the only way you'll have something blow up after it stops being pushed in the Shorts feed is by having searchable titles. Using keywords in your title and description.
andrevw11mo ago
Do you have certain levels that you use to see if it would go viral? For example you would know a vid would get 20-30k views if it had 70%+ view/swipe and 100%+ retention? its a lot of random stuff nothing related to my niche majority of the time
Ginnetix11mo ago
Since I only do Shorts, yes. But only when it's a 9-13sec video. I can look at my viewed/swiped & retention and know exactly how many views it'll get. Now that I've gotten better at cutting out the fat, I'm able to have longer clips, so I'm currently still learning to ranges for it. I may be wrong, buuut I'm pretty sure a 18sec video w/ 100% retention & 50% viewed will get a more views than a 9sec video w/ 200% retention & 50% viewed. Look into VidIQ on YT. They've got loads of helpful info.
andrevw11mo ago
They have vids on what analytics you need to go viral per video length?
Ginnetix11mo ago
They go through everything. Even have forms you can submit to possibly get a free channel review during their live streams.
andrevw11mo ago
Oh nice! Do they have a paid option for them to review your channel as well?
Ginnetix11mo ago
They offer coaching too if you really wanna dive deep, but they have a ton of readily available stuff for free.
andrevw11mo ago
Also, im looking at my analytics rn, i have this 20 sec short that is a 65% view/swipe and a 103% retention, has 5.7k views but idk if its gonna go any higher
Ginnetix11mo ago
Group coaching and 1 on 1 coaching options
andrevw11mo ago
No description
Ginnetix11mo ago
How long ago was it posted?
andrevw11mo ago
about 3 days ago
Ginnetix11mo ago
You can see if it's still getting views by going to the Overview tab and on the right side it'll say Realtime. Click 'See More' and you'll be able to see which views are still getting views It might be the cap on that one though.
andrevw11mo ago
Do you know where I can find this vidiq 1 on 1 coaching or somewhere where they can analyze my channel?
Ginnetix11mo ago
I just remembered they have an app you can get on your phone. Search VidIQ and it should be the first one. The coaching might be on there
andrevw11mo ago
Sounds good. Other than vidiq do you know anywhere else i can get reviews on my channel and coaching
Vyrn11mo ago
You mean 130% higher than last 28 days?
andrevw11mo ago
I’ve only been doing this for 22 days, so basically my lifetime performance atm
Vyrn11mo ago
Its good, I was just curious. Cause you can’t watch 130% of a video hahaha
Ginnetix11mo ago
YT Shorts go over 100% retention since they're looped.
Vyrn11mo ago
ohh mb
andrevw11mo ago
Hey ginnetix, Im just wondering is it normal if my shorts have 0 views in 8 hours after a bad performing video? Some of my recent videos gained traction and got 20k views. I then uploaded a video 2 days ago that did horrendous, worst view/swipe and retention than normal So is it possible the video that i uploaded today is getting punished due to my last bad video? I mean it only has 15 views but has a 140% retention
Ginnetix11mo ago
Sometimes videos don’t gain traction for a while. I’ve had videos take over 12hrs to finally be pushed into the Shorts feed. You can either wait a little longer or delete and re-upload. Re-uploading usually does the trick for me. I don’t think your other videos get punished. I’ve had Shorts do ridiculously bad, and the next one is back to normal. Id say, if it’s been 4hrs with no views, delete and re-upload. 🤷‍♂️
andrevw11mo ago
I forgot i had a vid that didnt get a view in a day and a half. Then it randomly bursted to 5k in a span of a hour But i hope yt doesnt punish creators for one bad vid
Ginnetix11mo ago
Lol dang, that’s a while. Nah, you don’t get punished.
andrevw11mo ago
I just uploaded a new vid, 2.9k views in the first hour and 100 likes, plus 10 comments. High engagement for me, hopefully youtube pushes it more its also true a vid can plateu for a while then can some more traction correct?
Ginnetix11mo ago
Aaaayyy let’s go! Correct. For example, the video you just uploaded popped off. For the first hour that it pops off, it’ll stop being pushed after an hour. I think it’s for the algorithm to analyze how it performed. Not sure. It’ll slowly be pushed out again if it hit the requirements to be shared to a wider audience. I have a post that hit around 2k in the first hour, then throughout the day I was getting about 100views/hr. Now the video is about to crack 11k views after 5 days
andrevw11mo ago
Nice man, glad to see we're both seeing some progress. Im not sure what im gonna do about the other vid, cause it still has 12 views after a day and 6 hours. Ill wait 2-3 more days and see if it goes anywhere
Ginnetix11mo ago
Up to you. I'm actually stuck in the same spot. I usually upload once a day, but I decided to upload 2. My second one popped off to 2k, but the first one is stuck at 22views w/ comments from subs. I'd feel bad to delete and re-upload since it has really good stats for when the algorithm picks it up.
andrevw11mo ago
I looked at the analytics of my most recent vid i just posted, despite the high engagement it’s a lower retention and view/swipe than normal. only a 97% retention and a 60/40 view swipe Which is weird because i thought it’d be higher due to the high engagement
Ginnetix11mo ago
What's the length?
andrevw11mo ago
21 second vid
Ginnetix11mo ago
And your normally post what length?
andrevw11mo ago
Normally antwhere from the 14-18 second range but recently it’s been hitting 20
Ginnetix11mo ago
nice. so you'll notice that even if your retention drops. If you have a good view/swipe it'll still get pushed more. Obviously a high retention is important. But the longer the video, the more the algorithm is lenient on lower retention rates. viewed/swiped is more important to get high. I'd say at least try to stay above like 85-90% retention on a 30sec vid. If it's 1min. I think a 75+ retention (with good view/swipe) will get you a large amount of views.
andrevw11mo ago
95% retention is obv still very good, but honestly the view swipe isn’t as good Have you ever experienced a slump after a good vid? I think this is my 3rd straight underperforming vid, and if so how do you get over it or what do you do? @ginnetix
Ginnetix11mo ago
You might just be making bad hooks if the view rate is low. Take time to review your under performing videos Sometimes I think my hook is really really good, but then my vid flops. I'll go back later and figure out why it didn't grab someone's attention enough to stop scrolling. I usually go look at other creators content for some inspiration. Study what they're doing that's working.
andrevw11mo ago
It’s just unmotivating honestly. Sucks that i had a good vid but my last 3 weren’t Do you agree to just. learn from the bad videos and keep going
Ginnetix11mo ago
Try to think of it more as an opportunity to improve. You’ll learn more by making mistakes and figuring out what those mistakes were. If you let it eat away at your motivation, you’ll put less effort in your videos and your numbers will continue to stay low or even drop more. I had a 30sec montage that I put a lot of effort into. I thought it was super good, but it completely tanked with less than 300 views. 😂 Looking back on it. I see why it didn’t do well
andrevw11mo ago
True, every loss is a opportunity to learn and become better I’m gonna go back and see what i did differently with my most viral vids compared to my recent ones that have failed Honestly i don’t think it’s anything with editing i think it’s just clip selection for my basketball vids
Ginnetix11mo ago
^ That's perfect. Check the analytics. If it has high swipe rate, why? Low retention? Why?
andrevw11mo ago
@ginnetix Heres a video that im posting tomorrow. If you'd like, please let me know if the hook is good or if this video is entertaining throughout the whole vid you would watch the whole thing
Ginnetix11mo ago
It's hard to say. I mean, I like it. When I consume sport shorts (which I haven't in a very long time) it's usually the ones without music that get straight into the action with live broadcast audio.
andrevw11mo ago
I get what your saying, the sports side or the type of videos I do are not as big, while some big media companies just post the plays raw. Only the algorhitim can say if its good or not I appreciate it tho @ginnetix the video flopped sadly 70% retention and 55% view/swipe i might just delete these videos Is it bad if i set them private True