AI powered landing page builder using pages and domain?

Hey team, hope you are good. I working on AI landing page builder product, I want to offer custom domains to my users and would love to use the Pages infrastructure. I just noticed that each plan has 100 custom domains limit. Is there a possibility to have 10k domains or more as we promote this tool? Really excited.
4 Replies
DeviAI11mo ago
@Erisa | Support Engineer
Erisa11mo ago
Please don't ping individual employees for help, someone will get to your question when/if they are able to
Is there a possibility to have 10k domains or more
You will need to purchase the Enterprise plan and request a custom increase.
DeviAI11mo ago
I am sorry to tag, I was not aware of it. Thank you for the reply. 1. Can I ask if one account can have multiple projects and each project has 100 limit or this is per Clloudflare account limits? 2. Can we achieve this with business or pro account at the begining and create multiple projects and get 500 domains in each project. Once we scale then Enterprise. Thank you
Erisa11mo ago
Yes to both
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