Hosting platform for docker images (discord bot specifically)

Ok so I used to have a mega chonky vps but im swapping away from that now. The primary use was a rather resource hungry Discord bot and it needs a new home. so for its web dashboard, its swapping to vercel BarbaraPoint for the postgres database, well i was gunna use neon but that looked quite pricey so ive swapped to planet scale and mysql. I use prisma so it was v easy to swap now the problem is the discord bot. its dockerized and automatically updates with watchtower rn so id prefer to keep the ability to handsfree deploy when i merge to branches. what tools if any have u guys seen for this? ps- its not something that can easily run serverless otherwise id swap to aws
28 Replies
barry11mo ago is great I would move the postgres to it too
EggsLeggs11mo ago
what would be the main advantages of that over something like planet scale is it mostly price?
barry11mo ago
Idk I just love fly more than planetscale
EggsLeggs11mo ago
ah fair xD theres also railway ive just remembered, ill compare them too
barry11mo ago
I find fly’s cli to be better and cheaper to use But yes railway is a good contender
stevensensei11mo ago
Self host it ?🙄 It’s good way to learn a lot
barry11mo ago
who wants or needs to learn that if he did, he would have done that i think
stevensensei11mo ago
At first i was like you but after hosting some thing my self for the first time i can’t stop and it allow to understand all the step in software dev
Debaucus11mo ago
Honestly, I feel like you need to define 'resource hungry'. Is it RAM? Storage? CPU? What usage is the killer part. That would (if price is the main factor) swing which host to go with Some charge lots for one and not the other, depends how you go
iukea11mo ago
have you looked into railway? Very fair pricing
barry11mo ago
Fly has better pricing
iukea11mo ago
🤔🤔🤔 how about raspberry pi at your house Get a cloud flare tunnel and then set up a route in cloudflare (think of this as a reverse proxy
iukea11mo ago
iukea11mo ago
Extra jank
barry11mo ago
Raspberry pi's aren't cheap But sure If you already have one 🤷 Knock yourself out
iukea11mo ago
40$ now on Amazon with a SD card but I understand 🙃
barry11mo ago
For 40$ I can host basic stuff on for like, 2 years at least.
iukea11mo ago
I can get two lunches
Debaucus11mo ago
Oracle VPS is free for basic specs, again depends how much you want to get into the weeds vs fly.
iukea11mo ago
Go all out!!!! Spot instances of AWS Fargate that is hooked up to a step function that then calls batch creating a job que for that then to go to Fargate
Etan11mo ago
I hesitantly reccomend fly. Their platform is great, but they just migrated one of our services at my company without warning and caused a few outages for us... They're a good service but they're not the most communicative 😅
razor11mo ago
is watchtower working fine? if so why u want to switch
EggsLeggs11mo ago
they are neigh impossible to get where i live mostly trying to reduce cost if at all possible and platforms like vercel simplify deployment a lot the other consideration was to downgrade my vps but continue to host my database and bot there and use vercel for the website i asked a friend at work about aws and they were like omg yes do it heres what id do.... but also its gunna cost u 35£ a month 😭 also the issue with this is outages where i live are pretty frequent and i need good uptime
iukea11mo ago
If you systems run 24 hours a day then you should look at the problem you are trying to solve my closely
EggsLeggs11mo ago
see if it was using gateways only itd be easy as id just go serverless. I could still technically do that but id have to look into webhook aws stuff to trigger lambdas
jamiedubs11mo ago
some things need to be continuous processes, like Discord bots. with docker container is a great choice. You could use Railway or DigitalOcean too
Rhys11mo ago
This bot ( @Answer Overflow ) is hosted on Railway and I’ve had no problems with them - it’s a great platform with good pricing
steakfisher11mo ago
the most developery conversation ever, went from asking for a server host to people nearly suggesting they build their own AWS competitor for the learning experience