shadcn-ui components breaking
Hi, my shadcn ui components worked flawlessly when I installed them, but as soon as I installed a new components, every component broke, please help!
10 Replies
did you by chance use src/ dir?
You’ve gotta show the setup somehow lol
This is too vague to go off of
I also had this issue cause the setup pointed at
not ./src/app/global.css
edit that in the shadcn ui config and you should be goodI did that in the cli
and the components.json also
still doesn't work
also, it messed up tailwind, in the whole project
can you link the code?
the cli specificially did not add the
so you still migth need to fix, but sounds like you already went in and changed that line?I did
It also messed up tailwind
I changed both components.json and tailwind.config.js
still is messed up
i think its best if you show the code
people here can't help much if they see nothing 😅
your components.json file likely got fucked up and is pointing to wrong options. My guess is you have your imports wrong
that's about all I can say since there isn't any code
wait I will link the repo today, it it private but I can make an example repo and send here