Hobby plan

Need to confirm if ill be charged 5$ monthly or not
14 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
asmod_deus11mo ago
anyone ?
Adam11mo ago
No, you’ll only pay for usage exceeding 5$
asmod_deus11mo ago
And that is for sure right ? cause ive been hearing people say that every month its gonna be 5$
Adam11mo ago
That’s for people who don’t qualify for the waived fee which according to your first screenshot, you do
asmod_deus11mo ago
Ah thnx
.mattnt11mo ago
Hi everyone! I recently noticed that $5 have been charged on my credit card but I always been using the free plan (now called Hobby plan). Could someone from billing department to cancel this charge?, I'm sure that it's a billing mistake. I share my usage on the last month. Sorry for the image in spanish but I don't know how to translate it to english.
ᕈᥙɾρꙆᥱ ᙎɩtᥴᖾ🔮
I was expecting a waived fee too, and I was charged!
Brody11mo ago
@.mattnt and @ᕈᥙɾρꙆᥱ ᙎɩtᥴᖾ 🔮 I'm sorry you have both thought that but you would have both been told what was happening when you upgraded to hobby
pikapikap11mo ago
Hey Brody, I thought i met the requirement for keeping the $5 discount credit. I believe i was on the developer plan with a verified cred card, and using it for more than the past 3 months
pikapikap11mo ago
Brody11mo ago
paid a non-zero bill in the last 3 months
from your screenshot it looks like youve never paid a non zero bill, so sorry but you didnt qualify
pikapikap11mo ago
ahhh make sense, sorry my mistake there
Brody11mo ago
no worries, I really get the confusion, I don't know why it was broken up into two blogs, and the information in the blogs was not clean an concise, and in some places where the word verified appears it should say qualified, since having a verified railway account has only a little part in qualifying for the waived fee the team has admitted the transition didn't go as smoothly as planned, and has taken in all the feedback and will use it to improve on the information side of things if there are any big platforms changes in the future