view only mode Icosa

The ability for an artist to have people view their sketches in app but not save or remix them. There are times when remixing is good but it should be up to the artist in permissions.
5 Replies
andybak11mo ago
Sorry - "the app" meaning? Icosa website or Open Brush?
Zandy11mo ago
Viewing them in the OB app: featured etc. Like poly
andybak11mo ago
Gotcha. It's tricky to truly prevent people accessing the model. It's always possible to get the same data that is being viewed in the app. The best you can do is not make the .tilt file (by giving the option not to upload it) but they can still access the glb or whatever format we use. It won't be editable as brush strokes but it will still be available to copy/distribute. We can hide it away a bit but it's always possible to find a way round any restrictions. If the entire movie industry has failed to find a way to prevent copying then what hope have we got! Remote rendering and streaming would work - at least the 3d files wouldn't ever be sent down the line. But that requires a good connection and is more expensive to host. We probably will not ever go down that route.
Zandy11mo ago
Got ya! Thanks for the heads up and explanation. Truly appreciate it.
andybak11mo ago
Simple "View Only" build with a sketch baked in · Issue #499 · icos...
The intended workflow here is that the user: Downloads the Open Brush Unity project Adds their sketch into it Hits a "Build" button Out pops a build for the chosen platform that has their...