wedding in October, black/red/white theme

I was asked to be in a wedding in October. I was told the only real requirements were a black suit and to fit in the theme colors: otherwise have fun with it. I picked up a black suit and aim to get it tailored soon in order for it to fit well. But a white shirt and red tie seems a little...plain? Boring? What are some thoughts to make it a little more fun? For the record, their wedding is on Friday the 13th and likely some spooky stuff involved. Thanks in advance for any help!
12 Replies
jimi11mo ago
try to find a shirt and tie with a subtle pattern
gimp11mo ago
Difficult, considering the whole thing about black suits. If we accept that, then I'd probably think fat red pocket square, if you want bright red. I'd prefer bending it a bit and doing a maroon, or burgundy tie instead (and white square).
jimi11mo ago
i wore this exact colour scheme for a friend's wedding. tried to have a little fun with the pattern on the tie and shirt
jimi11mo ago
gimp10mo ago
Subtle blue check shirt, maroon tie with pindots/pois? Works for me. I prefer my pindots to be in a diagonal grid rather than scattered but that's just preference. The million dollar question is what the heck is up with people requiring black suits (not tuxes)... bah
Slickok10mo ago
Definitely some good thoughts on the subtle pattern and the pocket square.
One of my other thoughts was doing something with some shade of a red shirt and figuring out a way to make that work. It's their wedding, they can do what they want 🤷‍♂️ I'm just gonna have fun with my outfit
gimp10mo ago
You certainly can, but you probably won't look nearly as good. Up to you.
jimi10mo ago
why would he choose not to follow the requirements lol. that just seems a little inconsiderate of the couple's wishes for their wedding
gimp10mo ago
I don't get your question. Certainly a white shirt is in keeping with the 'requirements.' They did not ask for a red shirt.
Slickok10mo ago
When I specifically asked about a shirt color, I was told just keep in the black/red/white theme. So thought I'd ask about that option as well.
DuskTillJawn10mo ago
Definitely go with the white shirt
awburkey10mo ago
Was it Margiela that did the blood spatter dress shirt?