Database connection issue

I'm not sure what happened, but my dev environment went down and when I added a payment and brought it back up I'm not able to connect to my database despite having the right connection info.
have you tried restarting the database
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13 Replies
Percy•11mo ago
Project ID: 4ef09eec-3927-4086-a8a8-d85b7d9c2c69
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
4ef09eec-3927-4086-a8a8-d85b7d9c2c69 I got the followng errorr "django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at "" (, port xxxx failed: Connection refused"
Brody•11mo ago
can you connect to the database with something like pgadmin?
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
nope :/ it also looks like my dev database was wiped :/
Brody•11mo ago
what makes you think that
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
because from the site there's not tables lol
Brody•11mo ago
after all, you did just say you can't connect to it never ever trust that from the railway web ui if the database is down, obviously there'd be no tables
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
I made a new database and have no issue connecting to it
Brody•11mo ago
have you tried restarting the database
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
I'm not able to connect to it from the command line and I don't see how to do that from the UI
Brody•11mo ago
in the plugin's settings
valerie phoenix
valerie phoenix•11mo ago
on it that fixed it thank you!
Brody•11mo ago
no problem 🙂