missing skin

i recently started playing the game again after probably a bit over a year and i logged back on to find I had everything the same as before apart from the darkheart skin which just completely disappeared from my inventory, despite this i still have neon purple which was another similar legendary at the time. no clue if you guys keep logs of this stuff and if not i imagine this isnt the kind of thing where you can just give it back just because i said i had it, i did sift through some old clips but there werent any far back enough with darkheart since i didnt used to clip anything back then so just throwing it out there incase there's anything you can do
3 Replies
Combat Warriors
Combat Warriors10mo ago
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From An unknown user
If you have any questions, please contact a member of staff.
Gatito10mo ago
Missing items We are still investigating issues with missing items. We have a new system in the works to allow us to manually return items that are still missing. Please click the button below to complete a form for us to get in contact when items have been restored.
Gatito10mo ago
From An unknown user