Failed to upload code with status code 504 Gateway Timeout

I am unable to deploy changes to my project in railway via "railway up" command. The CLI shows the following error in the console:
Failed to upload code with status code 504 Gateway Timeout
Failed to upload code with status code 504 Gateway Timeout
My project's id is fd3a1eb3-4d39-45cf-9eb9-e39101d6eee5. In Railway's dashboard, the following error is displayed in the "Build Logs" tab:
Cannot create code snapshot right now, please review your last commit or try again
If this error persists, please reach out to Railway team
Cannot create code snapshot right now, please review your last commit or try again
If this error persists, please reach out to Railway team
2 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: fd3a1eb3-4d39-45cf-9eb9-e39101d6eee5
Brody10mo ago