14 Replies
Project ID:
Here is my project ID: 0415a1c2-2eb4-4926-b17e-8e920e178c6d
Are you running a userbot?
bro didnt hesitate
Is there any solution for this?
what do you mean
They're asking if you're running a userbot
which is basically when you automate a user account and treat it like a bot
No, i'm trying to deploy telegram bot
My previous bots are running on Railway app, but when i try to deploy new ones i'm getting this error
is this one using all the same librarys and such as your other working bots
Yes, i'm using the same libraries for this bot like my other bots, i checked this bot locally and in some other free servers as well it's perfectly working there. i think there is a problem with Railway
telegram might be blocking some ip's in use by the gcp region that railway runs on, they're shared ip's so telegram could have blocked an ip that had an abuser on it, and you're also taking the fall for that
in that case, not a problem with railway, and there's nothing they can do
or it's just some simple code mistake, like using an outdated library, not providing your bot token, any number of things, you will need to do some more debugging yourself
but i've run my code on pythonanywhere,com and it's working there
I'm failing to see the relevance to some of the stuff I've just said