Making a responsive hamburger
Hello guys, today I am having trouble creating a hamburger menu for my webpage, even though I am not bad in css. My web is at the mobile phase so basically I want my hamburger button so that when I click for the second time my nav will disappear.
My code:
16 Replies
Somewhere in your css
can you fix the problem on my code
I did
and simply send me the codepen of it fixed
I'm on mobile
Ahhh I see
The JS can be fully replaced with what I sent
Then just add that one line in css
did you look at the html inside my code
The best way to track nav toggles is with classes
should I change anything there?
Html doesn't need to be changed
I have another question
It's just a one line change in the js and one rule add in css
Sure what's up
it is a more generalized one but still, did you like the way I formatted my code and my naming conventions like was my code easy to understand?
because I've been doing some deep work in my css
I thought the naming conventions were very good. It made solving the problem quite easy
@croganm thank you for fixing my problem.