Recommended European Fashion Youtubers/IG Influencers?
Hello everyone,
Recently got into taking care of myself and thinking about my fashion and I just wanted to ask your recommendations for fashion youtubers and instagram influencers who are based in Europe since I’ll be living in Sweden (Skellefteå) for studies starting this year (I’m from SEA).
Currently loving Tim Dessaint and Harry Has but anyone similar to them would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
9 Replies
Another one I follow together with Tim Dessaint and Harry Has is James Leung
Okay youtube stuff:
ThisIsAntwon makes good stuff. More techwear focused but some great general videos.
FashionRoadman is more of a generalist but again, really knows his stuff.
Thanks guys gonna check em out!!
FrugalAesthetic is great on fahsion on general, and finding your vibe etc. Not frugal focused despite name
Total meme lord though
Sangiev and Magnus Ronning I guess
There aren't many youtube-based influencers worth following imo
I quiet like Ben_JJames as well. The other fashion influencers I like tend to be US based even though I'm european
Jason Jules is also cool if you count him as an IG Influencer