Black Boots

Need some help finding a good pair of black boots for the winter. My idea was something in the realm of work wear/military style and was not planning on spending more than a pair of Iron Ranger. I like the the Red Wing Boots but was trying to find something a little more slick and not so bulky.
6 Replies
book10mo ago
Blundstones have been recommended a lot over the last year and for good reason. I think they'll tick all the boxes you're looking for
badluckp10mo ago
I do like the blundstones and was looking into them as well. Any lace up recommendations?
SeveredWyre10mo ago
Grant stones are my go to boots
Grease10mo ago
I love Loake for their boots, I have a pair of the Kirkby's for summer and the Wolf's for winter as they're fur-lined. Definitely well into the premium range with prices, but they just last forever.
VikadontisRex10mo ago
I’d 2nd Grant Stone as a good recommendation
xmdot10mo ago
Red Wing Beckman/Blacksmith's are more sleek but you're going to be on your ass if you wear them in icy conditions. Blundstones are good but their quality control's kind of iffy and they've got shoddy glued soles. Most people have them and beat the hell out of them and they're solid in winter but you might get the odd dud (my soles came loose after two winters). Canada West is a Canadian brand that makes chelseas similar to Blundstones that are goodyear welted.