Railwayβ€’10mo ago

cant re-subscribe to hobby

after being away for a couple of months
26 Replies
Percyβ€’10mo ago
Project ID: N/A
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
no project id, account problem. - was awol for a couple of months (personal emergency) - left a bunch of test instances running. - while gone my card was reissued by the bank - i paid down the balance with the new card, - and deleted all of the projects, so i could start fresh. - when trying to spin up a new project, - it sends me to the pick the plan page, - card has been authorized it was used to pay the pending balance. - I cant spin up instances, without subscribing, - When I try to subscribe it says subscription already exists.
Percyβ€’10mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
getting ahead of the followup questions, i see in similar channels. - username: JugaadiTech - email: william@modocosm.io - Verifications: - Discord: βœ… JugaadOnline - Github: βœ… JugaadiTek - Have you paid a non-zero bill: βœ… 8 months, $1000+/- total - individual account: not the current stalled teams plan. (might reactivate that in future, just no need for it in the short term)
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
damn you're good team will get this sorted for you when they get back to work this week
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
Much Appreciated! πŸ˜„
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
very unfortunate too, from their latest change log yesterday...
We fixed an edge case that caused some users to reach a broken state in their subscription
looks like there's more edge cases
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
interesting, (this is on my old laptop, half the keys are dead lol, can we add this user to this thread) userID: 1111313129859723304 user: @jugaaditech username: JugaadiTech its my other discord account, but its not authorized to chat here. basically, Know yall are working out some bugs with the transition. so been trying every 2-3 days My last attempt to resubscribe was about 10 hours ago. wondering if the change happened before or after that.
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
anything in the improvements and fixes section can go live at any point in the week, big changes (volumes, cron, etc) go live shortly before the changelog, so I assume your issues is something they haven't seen before
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
understood, tyty. ill check back in on Monday πŸ™‚ actually, sorry, one more question. I have some proof of concepts i want to bang out this weekend. If i were to setup a new github, attach @jugaaditech and use the same CC, with the plan to transfer the projects to the main account, once this issue is resolved. how likely is that to complicate things? // a fresh github account is one of y'alls fraud triggers correct?
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
how many railway accounts do you have right now
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
i believe just this one, I might have a second one on info@modocosm.io, or tech@modocosm.io from when i was researching platforms. but i dont think so,
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
ah then I don't see how a new github account fixes anything tbh
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
sorry, clarifying i understand you correctly
you are recomending against registering for railway again, to have a temporary sandbox to work, till the issue can be resolved on my main account?
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
I mean you said open a new github account, not open a new railway account
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
my assumption was 1 github can only be linked to 1 railway, I was saying fresh raillway, github, and discord. just to hold me through the weekend, then transfer projects to this account. am i making sense?
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
yeah I get you now, that would work, but it's not something I would do myself if I was in your position, I'd just temp use fly or hop lol
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
(hahaha, was gonna leave that unsaid 🀣 ) i'm debating which path is a bigger pain for what i want to do this weekend xD anyways ty again,
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
haha no problem!
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
have the same error in practice, though the wording has changed around a little bit. just tried now
Brodyβ€’10mo ago
Percyβ€’10mo ago
Resolved ticket.
Adamβ€’10mo ago
just reflagging
jrβ€’10mo ago
Hi @Jugaad Online, Appologizes about this. You had a non-zero invoice as a draft which was keeping your subscription in an unpaid state. I've finalized that invoice (you should receive an email) and your subscription is good to go now.
jugaadonlineβ€’10mo ago
perfect! Appreicate y'all getting this sorted out 1000hypertada