
i got told there is many many pants but i can find only like 10 and then there is left like 200 pants and none of them load in
6 Replies
Jify10mo ago
Lower Body has plenty there’s also more pants in Shirt & Accessory/Body Armor You’re probably downloading assets for the clothes
_nepp_10mo ago
ok do u know hot to get them to load in faster @jify.
Jify10mo ago
Load times depend on your internet speeds, you can enable progress on downloading assets in FiveM settings game section if you would like You can also increase your Texture Budget to see if that helps
_nepp_10mo ago
ok cuz my max pants are like 139 or sum
Jify10mo ago
Higher clothing options won’t load due to them being empty slots for future clothing updates, though you can find more hidden pants under Shirt & Accessory/Body Armor categories
_nepp_10mo ago