Include txt into tsc build

I have a ascii.txt file which I read with fs since formatting it correctly in a ts file is a nightmare How do I include it in the build
6 Replies
barry11mo ago
Fixed it, used copyfiles package Nevermind I did not Fucking hosting the txt file somewhere lol fetch for the win ok that doesnt work either fml
dan11mo ago
do you mean tsx? tsc would only convert ts to js
barry11mo ago
No I stored ascii text
Sturlen11mo ago
any reason you can't do this?:
const ascii = `your multiline text here`
const ascii = `your multiline text here`
barry11mo ago
Special characters And there was a lot I tried escaping but it was a nightmare So for now I host the txt on a gist and just fetch it lol If GitHub is down then create-drippy-api is down
Sturlen11mo ago
fair enough, I'd probably do the same in your situation