Pricing quiestions!

1.In the Pro plan, if they give me 32gb, is that what I have to consume for a month? 2. At what point does the price for use start to be charged, should I consume all the 32gb that they give me for the Pro plan first? 3. What references could I have to calculate the consumption of CPU, RAM and network Egress? 4.In the Usage Estimation section is the one for examples. If I have a Discord bot, would it charge me approximately $3.02 per month? I would appreciate the answer. I haven't changed to PRO plan yet because I don't understand the prices project id: 50563734-58af-416d-8cd2-be6926e47752
2 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 50563734-58af-416d-8cd2-be6926e47752
Brody10mo ago
1. you can use up to 32gb of ram per service 2. you are only charged for what you use, if your app only uses 1gb of ram then you'd only be charged for that 1gb 3. there is a pricing estimator at the bottom of this page 4. yes generally discord bots are very cheap and I have a question for you, why do you think you need the pro plan? are you a company or business?