Can't update Homarr?

I am using unraid and my homarr version is v0.8.2. I have it set to "latest". when I tried "dev" i just get a page not found 404 error. I assume this is something stupid and simple, but im lost haha. At version .8.2 none of my icons are loading for each docker/service added to the home page.
5 Replies
donniecakes10mo ago
repo is
Manicraft100110mo ago
Hi, are you sure, that you run 0.8.2? That is ages old!
donniecakes10mo ago
i think it was something on my system with the image. i used Homarr a LONG time ago and stopped because it didnt have a "notepad" feature. I think something was being kept despite the folder being wiped before I deployed it. i just wiped it again, cleared out the lingering dokcer images and made sure the folder was gone again and it loaded this time
Manicraft100110mo ago
i used Homarr a LONG time ago yea, seems like it! You're definetly better of starting over again, unless you wanna manually migrate your config
donniecakes10mo ago
thats the thing, i didnt have the folder anymore, so not sure why it loaded like it did but yes, starting over is fine haha. the notepad is key to my success for a front end for end users lol