Can't Run Celery On Railway

Hi guys, I'm not new to Railway and already have uploaded many projects on it, but I'm completely new to how upload my Django project along with Celery! I really don't know how to make celery works on Railway, Does anyone have any knowledge at how can I deploy Celery and Django on Railway? Thx in advance. EDIT: I'm also using Celery Beat, So I need to know also how I should deploy both Celery and Celery Beat
5 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 039a892f-82a1-4ef6-81d8-71ab28b8f23d
<Youssef-Ayman/>10mo ago
Project ID: 039a892f-82a1-4ef6-81d8-71ab28b8f23d
Brody10mo ago
resurrecting threads from 2022 and asking the CEO for help is not a good look
<Youssef-Ayman/>10mo ago
what do you mean? Sir, I understand that I was spamming (I wasn't really know, at all) but when I publish a post that asking for help about certain issue that cause all my business to stop and getting no response will drive me to do that deed! I apologize for this surely but please value my situation !
Brody10mo ago
the pro plan gets you support from railway, the trial plan and hobby plans get you discord support only, and it seems we don't know how to answer your question