Array of images or emoji

Hello everyone! I am new here . Can anyone tell me how can I make an array of emoji or images and then display them in a div on the webpage? **
8 Replies
dev_wanderer10mo ago
show us what you have done so far. post your html and js codes and we can guide you properly. if you want someone to write the entire code for you, then chat gpt can you the answer much faster.
Rook10mo ago
const emojis = ['🫶', '❤️', '🔥']
emojis.forEach(emoji => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
const emojis = ['🫶', '❤️', '🔥']
emojis.forEach(emoji => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but yeah it's kinda hard to help you without seeing anything that you've tried to do to solve it
croganm10mo ago
Try setting the div.textContent = emoji Just a thought since an emoji is just a string. You definitely can't append something to an element though
Rook10mo ago
wdym? that is probably a clearer approach, but append (and this solution) works just fine, since append can also accept a string as an argument. you end up with
croganm10mo ago
Really? It's able to take text as an element in js? Sorry, that was just a little surprising. I apologize, on mobile or else I would have tested it myself
Rook10mo ago
Yeah! I think appendChild only takes nodes, but append takes both :) i need to brush up on my vanilla js stuff ;-;
croganm10mo ago
Good to know! 🙂
verakissyou1710mo ago
+Thanks everyone for your help!