Cloudflare DNS + Full SSL/TLS Results in Not Secure connection

I hope this is not a dumb question, but I am stumped. I have a Node.js + Vite React app running on Railway and am having trouble setting up my custom domain using Cloudflare. I am getting a Not Secure https failure in Chrome. As per these instructions.. .. I have tried setting up CNAME records that point to the hashed address and set my SSL/TLS Encryption mode to Full on Cloudflare.
Railway Docs
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6 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody11mo ago
please send your custom domain
Brody11mo ago
works fine clear your cache
maxohsawa11mo ago
That's strange, I've cleared cache multiple times in Chrome, but I see now that it is working in Incognito.. Sorry to waste your time! Thanks!
Brody11mo ago
no worries at all!