How to install playwright on Railway

I deployed a django web app that utilizes playwright in the background. In order for playwright to work the chromium web driver has to be available on the system which can be downloaded through playwright install. But how can I do this on the production
4 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 9b234978-dcf4-45a2-82fc-1d65d6eb8d4a
shashemiaa10mo ago
Denzy10mo ago
Take a look on my code.
Denzy10mo ago
In my case, I use playwright async_api, couse I'm usin in a Discord bot, but u just have to run your code after the instalations with subprocess.
import subprocess
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
import subprocess
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
"playwright install" and "playwright install-deps" need to be installed, otherwise playwright cannot run due to missing dependencies.