a cloudflare tunnel to connect to a local website

I try to create a cloudflare tunnel to connect to a flutter website running (using "flutter run" command) on my local MAC. I have done this successfully for connecting to a web service running locally. But the tunnel for the flutter website does not work. https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/ says "Cloudflare Tunnel can connect HTTP web servers, SSH servers, remote desktops, and other protocols safely to Cloudflare.". Does it mean tunnel does not work for flutter websites running via "flutter run"? Thanks very much for any clue.
Cloudflare Tunnel · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare Tunnel provides you with a secure way to connect your resources to Cloudflare without a publicly routable IP address. With Tunnel, you do …
3 Replies
Soham10mo ago
It should work When using flutter run, is a link displayed where the webpage is active?
jiangok10mo ago
This is what I saw.
Cyb3r-Jak310mo ago
What are the logs from the cloudflared service