webhook outdated docs and issues

Hello First of, https://docs.railway.app/diagnose/webhooks this documentation seems outdated. I'm trying to use a webhook on my telegram bot app with wallet pay. https://docs.wallet.tg/pay/ The wrapper I'm using is this: https://github.com/xdownedx/WalletPay/tree/main It by default listens on port 9123 When this didn't work I also saw this: https://docs.railway.app/deploy/exposing-your-app So I created PORT variable with 9123 value. https://aiwizzard-production.up.railway.app/wp_webhook This is my expected webhook path But no idea if when I select PORT 9123 in railway enviromental variables what I'm really doing is redirecting it to another port, this is not what I want. Please help, I'm also talking with wallet pay support, but if you can at least clarify my confusion with webhooks and PORT
Railway Docs
Webhooks | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
GitHub - xdownedx/WalletPay: Python wrapper API for pay.wallet.tg
Python wrapper API for pay.wallet.tg. Contribute to xdownedx/WalletPay development by creating an account on GitHub.
Railway Docs
Exposing Your App | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
your app sits behind a proxy, that is the ip of railways proxy, you'll need to trust the proxy's X-Forwarded-For header
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4 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: f9e54478-260f-4168-b79f-f71ce0b09867
Adrian Galilea
Adrian Galilea10mo ago
f9e54478-260f-4168-b79f-f71ce0b09867 I see the issue. You are redirecting the IP. INFO:root:Incoming webhook from  INFO:root:IP not allowed  INFO:root:Incoming webhook from  INFO:root:IP not allowed I need to white list the original IP so I need to know where it's originating from. https://docs.wallet.tg/pay/#operation/completedOrder You see, I need to whitelist these:
Brody10mo ago
your app sits behind a proxy, that is the ip of railways proxy, you'll need to trust the proxy's X-Forwarded-For header
Adrian Galilea
Adrian Galilea10mo ago
Alright, I got it thank you