Steam won't display folders

Not sure if this is a bazzite issue, but I haven't seen anyone else run into this. I've tried both running it as a flatpak and from the arch distrobox and it's the same issue. Whenever I try to add a new storage location, steam is unable to display any folders. I have no idea why is is occuring, super weird. I thought steam was supposed to use the OS file explorer now, not this thing.
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62 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
Interesting, your root folder seems odd to me too can you grab a log from steam? Maybe run it from a terminal
t9999clint•10mo ago
ok one sec... it's taking a while to shutdown for some reason. Anyway, the root folder is probably weird because it's running from a arch container
t9999clint•10mo ago
Here what it do
t9999clint•10mo ago
my guess is it's something to do with this... sh: line 1: xdg-user-dir: command not found it doesn't mention that error on flatpak should I run it through flatpak and show you the command line stuff on that too?
termdisc•10mo ago
try updating to the steam beta client
t9999clint•10mo ago
on flatpak
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t9999clint•10mo ago
t9999clint•10mo ago
ok one minute...
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
try this for me distrobox enter bazzite-arch sudo ln -s /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/bin/xdg-user-dir then relaunch steam
t9999clint•10mo ago
same result. But at least it's not complaining about the xdg stuff anymore I'm gonna update to the beta client now
dreamyuki•10mo ago
Mmm Maybe because it lacks xdg-portal
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
xdg-portal should be there on both images
dreamyuki•10mo ago
But xdg-portal is system service right? Or dbus
t9999clint•10mo ago
still the same result even on beta client.
t9999clint•10mo ago
should I just install steam using rpm-ostree?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
very not recommended I'll look into this today and message you
t9999clint•10mo ago
I figured as much this is on my desktop. I used to have ublue kinoite installed and swapped over to bazzite last night. not sure if that's relevent, but figured it'd be good to know tbh I'm kinda tempted to reinstall this one cause it's always had weird bugs. When I first installed it (using the uBlue ISO when it first came out), discover and sudo were broken. Took a while to fix those.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
Yeah I'm gonna say something is very fucked with your install I use library functionality on my desktop in the same container additionally, fresh install in a VM, I get...
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
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1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
and clicking plus opens, as you stated, a native file browser so that strange path is strange I did go ahead and add xdg-user-dirs though, that was still missing no matter what so that helps 🙂
t9999clint•10mo ago
yeah, this one does weird shit. My laptop also uses kinoite and it's fine. (it doesn't have steam cause it's too old n slow for that shiz) But yeah for just general use my laptop's been flawless. This desktop install has always done weird shit. so should I just backup my /home dir and restore it when I reinstall everything? Will that auto import my apps n shiz?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
t9999clint•10mo ago
k running a rsync now
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
just in case, leave out ~/.steam
t9999clint•10mo ago
will do
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
you can bring over compatdata & common but the configs should go, just in case
t9999clint•10mo ago
there's no games installed yet. I was using a windows VM for gaming on this system untill now my mobo and ram got fried in a brownout so I'm limited to a random 8gb ram stick I found in my closet. Definitely not enough ram for a win VM kinda sad that my steamdeck and my 12 yr old laptop now have more ram than my main PC Went from 64gb down to 8gb. Integrated gfx wanted most of that, so I had to switch over to the gpu that's normally for VMs
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
rip 😦
t9999clint•10mo ago
I only had enough money for a new mobo, I figured the ram was still good at the time... Gotta live live a 8gb singlechannel peasent for a few weeks untill my next payday at least the CPU and GPU were okay. Those were the most expensive parts
Aforis•10mo ago
i know how to solve this systemctl restart --user xdg-desktop-portal i had the same issue yesterday,its related to flatpak not using xdg-open correctly you have to run this from time to time,some add it to gnome/kde autostart
t9999clint•10mo ago
it flippin worked!!
t9999clint•10mo ago
now it's doing other weird shit, but at least I can open directories
termdisc•10mo ago
I add it to autostart
t9999clint•10mo ago
hmm... it's not letting me add the other drive. I'm gonna check what it does from the terminal
Aforis•10mo ago
is it on an mounted drive?
t9999clint•10mo ago
Aforis•10mo ago
you using the steam that is in an arch container?
t9999clint•10mo ago
and I allowed it through flatseal
Aforis•10mo ago
oh ok
t9999clint•10mo ago
I'm testing the flatpak version atm
Aforis•10mo ago
yah im flatpak as well i couldnt select my new nvme drive until i created an directory on it
t9999clint•10mo ago
I'll test the distrobox version after. I have no idea how to forward my drives into that containter
Aforis•10mo ago
i made an Steam folder in the mounted drive then i could select the folder and it worked,if you try dirrectly from the mounted drive root it doesnt work
t9999clint•10mo ago
that's probably what I'm doing wrong too
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
no effort is needed to do that
Aforis•10mo ago
i dont think your doing it wrong lol,i think steam should just allow you to pick the drive like on the steam deck
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
you can just use them
t9999clint•10mo ago
nope, still not working on flatpak. I created a new folder but it still wouldn't use it.
t9999clint•10mo ago
lets try the arch container same result on the container
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
Yeah my vote is still reinstall I'm sorry to say Something is really off here
t9999clint•10mo ago
yep. On the bright side my rsync backup just finished also the xdg-desktop thingy works on flatpak and distrobox now so at least I did technically help smash a bug....
termdisc•10mo ago
I also used the flatpak Steam until about a week ago. I didn't have anywhere near that folder path mine was properly recognized as being within /var/home/USER/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam
t9999clint•10mo ago
flatpak steam has a normal path it's the arch container steam that has a messed up one
termdisc•10mo ago
here's mine from the container
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t9999clint•10mo ago
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t9999clint•10mo ago
that's my flatpak. it's path looks normal to me
Aforis•10mo ago
did you allow acces to /var/mnt or /mnt ?
t9999clint•10mo ago
I use a different folder to mount my drives. I gave it access to that folder my guess is that it's not letting it execute files on those drives or something dumb like that sh: line 1: /var/home/Turn-X/Scratch-3/Steam/ Permission denied Failed system("/var/home/Turn-X/Scratch-3/Steam/") in execute test: 32256 UUID=9a18eb84-6a75-4c63-a67c-c7fb85c3250f /var/home/Turn-X/Scratch-2 btrfs users 0 0 UUID=2ea74d17-0fde-4e81-bde0-b89f328bdf85 /var/home/Turn-X/Scratch-1 btrfs users 0 0 UUID=9fe9e301-4417-4df8-a7c1-4eb9fa2c59fc /var/home/Turn-X/Scratch-3 btrfs users 0 0 UUID=6f262f75-ea47-4c51-bde0-5e2623e4cbf1 /var/home/Turn-X/Games btrfs users 0 0 that's what I have as a fstab for those drives would setting it as user mountable cause it to break shit? yup! I can't execute a .sh I just wrote yep, changed users to defaults and now it's working in flatpak did a reboot and now the distrobox one works too So the solution was run sudo ln -s /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/bin/xdg-user-dir in the bazzite-arch container then run this as the host os systemctl restart --user xdg-desktop-portal add the systemctl thingy to the autostart list and it should be fine after that. There was also an issue where I was an idiot and mounted all the drives as "users" and effectively dissalowed running executeables on them.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life•10mo ago
The former is done automatically now But also wasn't needed, my screenshots were without Glad you got it working though!
t9999clint•10mo ago
ran a benchmark to stress out the gpu. Seems to be happy running in a arch container
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