Universal Blue


Universal Blue

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kwin_wayland crashing repeatedly on Bazzite KDE Desktop

Hi, I've been using Bazzite since June 17 and it's been pretty amazing so far, with very minimal issues. however, the past 2 days my desktop will randomly crash. I performed a System Update a couple days ago and I'm not sure if this is what caused it. When it crashes, the screen goes black, then all running apps will close and will need to be reopened and prompts to send a crash report. Background tasks include video streaming on Firefox(youtube/twitch), having Steam open, and Discord. I also use PowerControl Electron Desktop Frontend 0.0.1 and SimpleDeckyTDP Desktop 0.0.1. I've been doing all the above since I started on this OS but lately kwin_wayland will crash every 30min-1hr or sometimes more. Has anyone else experiencing this type of behavior on the latest update? should I rollback? Hardware: GPD Win Mini 2023 CPU: 7840u...
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Graphical artifacts/crashing in Bazzite

Hi all, I am occasionally getting a graphics bug in Bazzite that triggers upon switching from Desktop Mode to Gaming Mode. I believe it has also occurred once going from Gaming to Desktop. In most cases the Ally X switches successfully to Gaming Mode but the artifact remains as you can see in the screenshots. However just now the graphics bug appeared and the Ally X simply went dead, black screen with the graphics artifact, power LED on, but requires a hard reboot. In all cases the artifact goes away after putting the device in sleep mode then awakening. Is this a possible software issue with Bazzite, like something a new driver would fix? Or is this a hardware issue, like with my Ally X's GPU? If so I will start the RMA process after just 2 days of owning it lol....
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Decky Loader

Hi all, so I am aware that with HHD the TDP panel is easily accessible in Bazzite. However, I would love to customize more of the Steam app's appearance in gaming mode. In particular the lack of any art for non-Steam titles really bugs me. I read that CSS Loader which is a plugin that is part of Decky Loader can be used to add custom icon art. How do I install Decky Loader? When I download the executable for Decky Loader on GitHub, executing it in Bazzite does... nothing? Or is there a better wa...
their installer should also work

ujust install-resolve permission denied

https://universal-blue.discourse.group/t/davinci-resolve-setup-guide/1197 when installing davinci resolve using the ujust install-resolve command, it gets most of the way done and then spits out a ton of permission denied errors going into the container terminal and doing the steps manually does not workaround the issue...
@wafflesok so found a solution, or rather a quick fix in the mean time. Run this in a terminal:
sed -i 's|^Exec=distrobox-enter -n davincibox --|Exec=distrobox-enter -n davincibox -- bash -lc|' ~/.local/share/applications/DaVinci*.desktop
sed -i 's|^Exec=distrobox-enter -n davincibox --|Exec=distrobox-enter -n davincibox -- bash -lc|' ~/.local/share/applications/DaVinci*.desktop

Problems with Dual Monitors, PC Crashing and Graphic Bugs in general

Hi, after recently installing Bazzite on my TV PC, I decided to set it up on my main system in a dual-boot configuration with Windows 11. The installation went smoothly for the most part, but I'm experiencing some issues with my dual monitor setup and graphics on both the KDE and Gnome desktops. Issues: - Frequent but Easily Fixed Bug: Occasionally, one of my monitors freezes. I can still move the mouse to the frozen monitor and drag windows between the monitors. To fix this, I either disable and re-enable one of the monitors in the graphic settings or unplug and replug the monitor cable (it doesn't have to be the monitor that froze). ...
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Screen dimming / locking when playing videos in Firefox

Hi there. Fresh install version 3.6.0, using preinstalled Firefox, and while watching Youtube, the desktop with lock itself after the time set in the settings. If I set it to never, it will dim the screen after set time.. Is there a way to fix this? I was running Fedora KDE before Bazzite and never had this issue. GPU is Radeon 6800XT. Thanks in advance...

Winetricks and Protontricks issue

Using the latest Bazzite version. So I run Protontricks, and on choosing either "Run a commandline shell (for debugging)" or "Run a wine cmd shell", it doesn't work. First option literally seems to do nothing, second option at least gave me some archive.org error. Same problem if I try to use winetricks directly instead of protontricks....

Bad performance on Lenovo Legion Go with TDP set all the way to 30w

As the title says my games that normally run good on windows are running really slow and with crackly audio on Bazzite.
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Ptyxis opening on startup

I'm having an issue where ptyxis opens upon logging into KDE every single time without me having changed any setting to make it do so. I can't remember exactly when this started happening but it was a month or two ago. I've tried resetting all dconf settings I could see related to it in dconf editor, I've tried looking through my autostart settings in KDE, I've looked in my bash_profile and other files that could make things start up on login, I've changed my default terminal to konsole, and sti...

Black screen + Frozen in GAME MODE

Hi, I installed Bazzite on a desktop (Ryzen 7800x3d + Gpu 7900gre). It's working fine but I experienced random crashes either when lauching a game or quitting a game. The screen goes black (nearly 100% time it happened) and everything is unresponsive. I have to reset the computer. While playing several games, i never experienced a crash. The issue occurs randomly only at launch or when quitting a game. Any idea ?...

Read-only file system error trying to install MangoHUD

I downloaded the latest release of MangoHud and tried to install it using the "./mangohud-sh install" command, after extracting it to a subfolder within the download folder. I get a bunch of errors saying the system is read-only. I assume I need to input some sort command to make it not read-only. Not being a Linux user I don't understand why I can't just double click a download executable to install a tiny app. Lol?...
Using text files to configure things is standard practice in Linux, not too dissimilar from opening up a game's settings manually in regular PC gaming.
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Toggling controller mode?

I'm very new to Bazzite and Linux in general so I apologize if the answers to these questions are obvious. I did search the discord history to see if this was asked elsewhere, and also read the Bazzite guides on the Universal Blue website, without finding an answer. 1. For PC games run through a non-steam launcher like Diablo 4 (run through Battle.net), how do I toggle the game to recognize the Rog Ally as a controller? Right now the game acts like it's a PC running the game and shows the mouse cursor. It does not recognize any controller inputs. 2. Again for games like Diablo that launch via Battle.net, is there a way to make the game itself launchable as a non-Steam game in Gaming Mode? Right now I am forced to launch Battle.net from the non-Steam tab. Then I am forced each time to enter my password and click on Diablo 4 via the touchscreen, before the game launches. And then of course the game is non-playable due to controller issues....
OK, whew, I got it working! In case any future wanderer has this problem, I'll explain how I fixed this: All I did was find Diablo 4.exe and add THAT as a non-steam game. I also forced a steam compatibility layer under gaming mode > Options > Diablo 4.exe. I picked the most recent version of Proton that was not experimental. Then I ran Diablo 4.exe and for a moment I was worried because it forced me to install Battle.net again even though it's already installed. This new version of Battle.net found the existing Diablo 4 installation and launched. I was able to use my Steam link to connect to my Battle.net link to avoid having to type in my entire password. I did not have to change any Steam inputs nor do I know specifically which inputs these refer to. Thanks everyone for their helpful suggestions!!...

Davinci Resolve on intel/nvidia laptop "Failed to initialize gpu" Any thoughts or fixes?

Like the title says, I decided to test bazzite on my laptop since I liked it on my legion go so much. However trying to get Davinci to run has proven unfortunate to say the least. On the KDE nvidia most current release. Steps I have tried: Installing using the ujust install-resolve command. Installing Davincibox from scratch following the guide, and ensuring the --nvidia tag was used. ^same but without the tag just to check....

gaming mode ends up in black screen and i cant do anything.

i tried crtl+alt+f2 but that didnt really do nothing.

Way to force cursor grab for a game window

Hello, I am running Bazzite on a desktop with two monitors and I have a question. Is it possible to force cursor grabbing to a window for a game? I recently ran into some issues with Fallout 4. The game is set to Exclusive Fullscreen, and it's cursor respects its own window, but the OS cursor pops right out and continues going to the other screen. Similarly, I have ran into other games such as Age of Wonders 4 which really just offer windowed borderless. For strategy game is not as much of an issue, but I will like to get have a way to lock to cursor that is not dependent on the developer to add a bespoke setting....
Alright, did some testing and it works. For anyone finding this thread for Lutris: -Go to the game and right click, the configure. -Go to System Options. Scroll down to Gamescope. -Toggle Gamescope on. Toggle "Relative Mouse Mode" on. Set resolutions to your monitor resolutions for both Output and Game. Then, make sure Window Mode is Fullscreen....

Unable to update Bazzite

When running ujust update, it throws an error saying creating importer failed (see pics attached) This started happening when I let my LeGo sit for a few weeks neglected and not used. Ever since I've been unable to update the main system....
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Screen Lock on Gnome Version?

I recently replaced SteamOS on my Steam Deck with Bazzite. So far I'm enjoying it, I work as a web developer and it's been much easier to install what I need for my development environment. And I enjoy being able to use Gnome rather than KDE. That being said, I'm spoiled to being able to lock my workstation by hitting Win Key + L whenever I leave my desk. Steam OS didn't have this functionality easily accessible by default, but I figured out this workaround a long time ago: https://github.com/RHOPKINS13/SteamDeckScreenLock ...

led not working

After today's update my rog ally led are Turned off no way for turn It on

"Device is active" on installation (Legion Go)

I'm trying to install Bazzite 40 on a Legion Go, but I keep getting the error: An error occured while activating your storage configuration: device is active I have disabled secure boot, but I'm reading something about also having to disable fast book in Windows. The thing is... Windows is already wiped off the system.... ...
Type cgdisk /dev/nvme0n1 to see your drive (Or whatever lsblk showed)