Railway12mo ago

Cannot login to Railway.app this morning

Here's what I'm doing to login: I go to railway.app, and select Login enter my email address and press Email I get directed to screen that says: Please Register this Device to continue. We sent a device registration instructions to the email. I check my email and I see email titled "Approve Railway Login" I open this email, and it says: An unrecognized browser/device is trying to login. Was this you? I select "Approve this login" I get another screen: Approve this login? New Browser/Device: Safari, Mac OS X, does not match your current browser/device I check "I recognize this browser and device", Select Approve I get message "login approved", Go back to Railway to finish logging in. You can now close this tab. I go back to Railway, and a see a spinning circle that never complete, and description secured by Magic. Do you know what issue is? Thanks.
17 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: 7ba67891-c1ea-4c40-9e44-fe8a1d7a806c
kilo284912mo ago
Project ID: 7ba67891-c1ea-4c40-9e44-fe8a1d7a806c
Brody12mo ago
have you been able to login since?
kilo284912mo ago
No but I haven't tried in last 5 minutes
Brody12mo ago
when you try again, try in an incognito window
kilo284912mo ago
by incognito window I assume you mean private window. I opened a private window, went through the same login procedure, and I still get the spinning circle that does not complete
Brody12mo ago
what's a private window ah, what other browsers call incognito
kilo284912mo ago
I using Safari and It's a window that "When you browse privately, the details of your browsing aren't saved, and the websites you visit aren't shared with your other Apple devices."
Brody12mo ago
do you see any failed network requets in your browsers dev tools
kilo284912mo ago
When I open web inspector I see this
Brody12mo ago
anything failed?
kilo284912mo ago
not sure where I should be looking for that? When I see this screen looks like it communicating with railway.app
Brody12mo ago
can you try another browser, i cant reproduce this issue in chrome
kilo284912mo ago
I downloaded I downloaded Chrome, it works with Chrome, I can log in. I get this additional screen with Chrome that I don't with Safari. Any idea why Safari would stop working with Railway after being ok for months?
Brody12mo ago
unfortunately I have no clue, but this would be either an issue with safari or magic, and thus out of railways hands but you have now been able to login with chrome so technically problem solved lol
kilo284912mo ago
OK I guess I'm using Chrome going forward, thanks
Brody12mo ago
it's better that way