I have no idea what’s causing it. Considering there was a non descriptive error on the backend, I’m

I have no idea what’s causing it. Considering there was a non descriptive error on the backend, I’m guessing I’ve yet again caused an error that I can’t fix without trying to even cause an error. Only Cloudflare probably can fix it.
15 Replies
Ryder Cragie
Ryder Cragie10mo ago
I’ve done this a few times (with other Cloudflare stuff). They have to go in and fix it for me because I physically cannot. There will be nothing I can do from my end at a guess. I mean, what else can I even try?
sultan.xh10mo ago
What is the best way to modify R2 object with clearing CDN cache?
Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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Karew10mo ago
You have a lot of options. (1) Use a new key, slate the old one for deletion (2) Submit a Cloudflare API request to bust the cached URL (3) Access the updated file via a different URL (add a busting URL parameter or similar) (4) Set a lower cache lifetime with Cache Rules These aren’t the only solutions, but it really depends on your app
Tay10mo ago
When using presigned URLs how does edge caching work? If the edge cache TTL is higher than the presigned url expiration will that become a problem or does Cloudflare know how to handle this? Would the better option be workers with cache API?
DarkLion (gnh1201)
I am trying to transmit files of approximately 100MB to R2 using an S3-compatible API client. I tested two types of clients (POSIX mount and Windows app), but only about 20MB is being transmitted, and the transfer fails. The transferred files enter an "Ongoing" state.
Karew10mo ago
Presigned URLs do not use your custom domain, so they are not cached by Cloudflare’s edge. You can only sign the S3 API endpoint URLs Your apps are not completing multipart uploads for some reason. What apps did you try? I know Rclone works great at least
DarkLion (gnh1201)
S3FS and WinSCP
kian10mo ago
If you're using wrangler dev then it's entirely local.
Hello, I’m Allie!
If that is the case, it would fall under an Enterprise agreement.
민트티10mo ago
Is generating presigned-url operation is class A operation?
kian10mo ago
Nope Presigned URL generation is entirely clientside
민트티10mo ago
Thank you for confirm!
chientrm10mo ago
any tools for me to browse R2? CRUD
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