Hi! Staff from PGS here- can any staff DM me? It's about a scammer who's a member of your server!
They keep changing their @ but I've got their User ID, I can't check if they're still in this server as they've blocked me, but searching the ID I know they've been posting. Just wanted to warn you guys so you can take care of it and/or take precautions so they don't return since they keep changing their whole profile. Thanks!
18 Replies
Or if this channel is private, I can send the ID and any screenshots necessary in here!
Ah yeah, they left PGS before we could even ban them 😅
Did you want the User ID and do I need to send screens for proof?
How long did they think they would last lmao😂 coward
Oh no I’m not staff
This is public
My bad
OH lmao ok, no worries well they lasted a while in here I believe, just changing their entire profile, leaving, and rejoining
Well hopefully they can get taken care of, and hopefully a staff member shows up here soon so you can get it resolved, good luck!
Thank you!! I hope so as well, they're a sneaky one 🥲
How did they scammed u? And what did they scammed u?
They didn't scam me thankfully, but they did try. Offered up a trade and kept changing the topic when I said over and over that I'd like a screenshot of the mon, then sent me this pic lmao??? They disappeared for several hours after I said I wasn't comfortable trading unless they'd send a full screenshot showing the moves and the nickname, and then tried posting in PGS's trade channel the mon they were trying to scam me out of without replying to my DMs I replied to them in the server and that's when they went full ghost and changed their whole profile
They also posted a video scrolling through all of their Pokemon with no filters when they made the trade post, and no shiny Ray to be seen 🧐
Normally then don’t want to post the nick for obvious reasons
This is a spoofing server
What do you mean not posting the trade mon's nickname in our DMs? I always nickname the pokemon I have reserved for trades and send screenshots
Ah or did you mean obvious reasons meaning they're full of crap
Ohhh I thought u meant their nick
Like name of player
Nono, nicknaming the mon for proof ahaha
I sent them their screenshots and they "accidentally" sent the wrong pic and then changed the topic 💀 then hours later they sent me that pic with my username horribly edited onto it
Idk it’s strange af
I mean... they had me for a while ngl, but after the screenshot thing their intentions were very clear sending screenshots: #1 red flag
It’s strange
Bc u in trade can it