Novu10mo ago

Docker compose (pull)

I am hoping someone could explain why a docker-compose pull fails WHEN I change the images (api, etc) to ':latest'. After doing that the the mongodb and redis pulls fail. eg from docker-compose.yml api: image: 'ghcr.io/novuhq/novu/api:latest' <-- from 0.18.0 docker-compose pull [+] Pulling 7/8 ✔ ws Pulled
✔ widget Pulled
✔ worker Pulled
✔ embed Pulled
⠦ web Pulling
✘ redis Error
✘ mongodb Error
✔ api Pulled
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries
7 Replies
Novu_Bot10mo ago
@todd7201, you just advanced to level 1!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain10mo ago
@dimagrossman Can you please help us here?
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossman10mo ago
@todd7201 I believe it might be relevant that you try to run this on an arm64 system? We currently don't support this docker build type
todd10mo ago
@dimagrossman Agreed that running arm64 is the cause! I just can't reason why versioned tags 0.17.1, 0.18.0 will pull without error but tags like 'prod' or 'latest' don't. They are all built but there is some dependency which builds that I can't understand.
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossman10mo ago
Yeah, that's really strange for me aswell. 😦 Maybe the base image used for those packages has not arm support
todd10mo ago
But why? My assumption would be that each package is the "same" (ie are release candidates) just tagged (ie there aren't special builds only for version tagged releases). The net effect is making it difficult to test of release candidates against the client libraries locally.
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossman10mo ago
I think that what might happen is that mongo and redis released a new mongo version since your last pull which is not supported by arm. What we can try is to pinpoint mongo and redis version to a single version and update it manually.