5 Replies
generous-apricot10mo ago
I connected the fan as in the routing I screwed the black wire PA3 , I put the brown (PWM) wire at the beginning and the red wire at the other end. everything is the same as in the picture (https://os.ratrig.com/docs/guides/4028) [fan] pin: !PA8 cycle_time: 0.01 enable_pin: PA3 I added this code to the lines, do I need to add another code?
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
secure-lavender10mo ago
if it doesnt work at all, did you test it in another way? If you connect its +/- to the always on fan header, does it work?
generous-apricot10mo ago
I tried it like in the first diagram, it didn't work, then I tried the same in the second diagram, it still didn't work Should I plug it into another fan slot?
secure-lavender10mo ago
If you have a 12v DC power supply you could try that. Maybe the fan is a dud.
generous-apricot10mo ago
ok i'll check it out and test it with another fan thanks