SteamTinkerLaunch is missing a dependancy.

Okay, so as previously mentioned I'm a linux idiot. Trying to install SteamTinkerLaunch through ProtonUp-Qt and it's throwing an error saying that xrandr is missing. Since steam is in an arch container would I need to use pacman through distrobox to add it that way or should it be done through rpm-ostree to add it to the host? Thanks for your time.
5 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
I'll take a look
onedeadhero10mo ago
If it helps any it's a 100% fresh install on the standard bazzite desktop install with KDE.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
This should be fixed next successful build, I'll notify you when that's done Waiting on RPM fusion
onedeadhero10mo ago
nice, thanks!
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
haven't tested yet, but latest build just finished should fix this ok, this worked for me