Railway10mo ago

Accessing application results in 502. "upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. "

Trying to publish an application to the railway platform. It is a mixture of react, together with some self-built legacy server-side-rendering legacy code. It has a connection to graphql, which we've allowed through cloudflare already. The same approach worked for other projects. But as this one is unique in its architecture, we are not able to really put it to work. It seems to end up in green state, but accessing the webpage just results in upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: protocol error I thought it might be a http/1.1 vs http/2 issue, but accessing the page with curl, using either of protocols doesn't end in different result.
15 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 28efb0c1-ffd8-474d-94e0-9671f29845d0
mullet.10mo ago
28efb0c1-ffd8-474d-94e0-9671f29845d0 Service id: bd65b2af-60e3-4a2c-8374-13c7e84359b5
Brody10mo ago
please share screenshots and domains so we can troubleshoot ourselves
mullet.10mo ago
Sorry. Was end of workday already. Can you perhaps access from the service id?
mullet.10mo ago
mullet.10mo ago
If i access my internal healtcheck url, that responds.
Brody10mo ago
I do not work for railway, your project id does nothing for me
mullet.10mo ago
Brody10mo ago
I'm not seeing any issues yet? it's totally okay if you want to pick this thread back up when you're on a computer
mullet.10mo ago
I see. Url is as follows. https://sports-app-pr-2420.up.railway.app/de/sports This just returns the protocol error thing. But should instead render a whole page.
Brody10mo ago
well what do your deployment logs say?
mullet.10mo ago
Nothing. I've debugged it that far that i have 0 error logs remaining.
Brody10mo ago
seems like you need to add some error logging really hard to debug stuff without logs
mullet.10mo ago
Yeah. I tried debugging it whole day. No clue what goes wrong. From logs all seem nice. Thought of 1 thing.actually. will try it when im near pc again
Brody10mo ago
sounds good but yeah not much i can help with here without logs