This server has been de-ranked and hidden from default server lists

5 Replies
Hordicus10mo ago
Many of our anti-botting checks are automated and your servers may have been flagged by one of these systems. In order for us to re-rank your server, we will need to verify your server population by virtue of an RCON connection to the server. You can start an RCON connection here: Let us know if / when you decide to enabled RCON. After we've been able to collect data for a few days, we will be able to make a determination on whether to re-rank the server.
o_r_t_e_g_a10mo ago
RCON is enabled
Hordicus10mo ago
Check back in a couple days and we'll review the data
o_r_t_e_g_a10mo ago
the servers are still with the NR status, can I see the reason?
Hordicus10mo ago
I have re-ranked those servers.