Railway10mo ago

Build and deployment is accountable in service consumption

consider in a context of docker image number of images downloaded and each operation performed in docker container will be accountable of pricing? or it matters only after the deployment
4 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Prakash10mo ago
Medim10mo ago
In the Pricing page on Railway:
On Railway, usage-based pricing means you only pay for the compute you need. We know not all workloads fit into the same box, so we got rid of that entirely. You don't pay for idle CPU or memory. No need to pre-plan your builds costs- builds are free.
On Railway, usage-based pricing means you only pay for the compute you need. We know not all workloads fit into the same box, so we got rid of that entirely. You don't pay for idle CPU or memory. No need to pre-plan your builds costs- builds are free.
Builds are free, what is considered is after ur app is deployed
Prakash10mo ago
Thank you