Railwayβ€’12mo ago

deploy logs say nuxt "start" is an unknown command. Production and development sites both crashed.

yes nuxt start starts a development / preview app, definitely dont want to be running that in production, make sure your build command is nuxt build and your start command is node .output/server/index.mjs make sure you set these commands in the scripts portion of your package.json and clear any build or start commands you may have set in your service settings...
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29 Replies
Percyβ€’12mo ago
Project ID: c456ec14-dbcb-44b0-8e8f-2c97ee12bf57
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
c456ec14-dbcb-44b0-8e8f-2c97ee12bf57 I pushed a navigation bugfix and everything was working beautifully as of ... 3 hours ago. My test users came back and gave production a green light. I have been referencing pages on prod since then. At just about an hour ago, the site started looking weird and then crashed. I have tried redeploying and this is what I'm seeing in logs.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
doesn't nuxt start start a development server?
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
I'm runnign this in my test environment right now. I'll check prod ... hmmmmm And it's the same issue in prod. but my node_env is set to production ... I'm looking again at my node deployment. And no nuxt start starts the server for production as well.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
nuxt 3 or 2?
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
I'm running 3
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
good choice
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
my first nuxt3 app so maybe I'm wrong.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
i am in the process of confirming this
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
Thanks for helping. We have an event running and people can't access our event page. 😦
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
i cant find the nuxt cli docs lol link me if you can find it
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
.... looking now too what I don't get is why the site was deployed and running fine. And three hours later it crashes and I start seeing these problems. It's been live on Railway for over a month with no changes to deployment.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
yes nuxt start starts a development / preview app, definitely dont want to be running that in production, make sure your build command is nuxt build and your start command is node .output/server/index.mjs make sure you set these commands in the scripts portion of your package.json and clear any build or start commands you may have set in your service settings
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
Okay I will try that now ...
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
if it still doesnt work, please send me your package.json as a file
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
okay create a script with the line you indicated above "prodserve": "node output/server/index.mjs" in my package.json . and updated my deploy setting for the "Start Command" to be "npm start prodserve" pushing develop to get the deploy triggered in my test env.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
not really what i said to do lol
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
give this another read over
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
1. build command is nuxt build --- it is 2. start command is node output/server/index.mjs --- which it now is in a script entry I called "prodserve" in my package.json 3. "make sure you set these commands in the scripts portion of your package.json" -- exactly what is in 1 & 2 above 4. is it just the clearing out of the start and build commands? - I cleared out the npm run start entry and replaced it with prodserve
However my last test build succeeded and the site is running. I'll try that in prod.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
I did ask you to name it start for a reason, it works the same in the end though I guess
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
BTW ... we missed a "." in the start script . lol it's actually 'node .output/server/index.mjs'
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
good catch on that one
mjfwβ€’12mo ago
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
I get where you were going with replacing actual "start" So if I leave those settings blank in the deployment settings, then the deploy will look for standard scripts like "start" and "build"? Prod is up! Yes, resolved. Thank you!
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
correct, but you have it named prodserve and that's why I asked you to name it start
wannarock303β€’12mo ago
understood Thank you for your help.
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
no problem πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
don't worry, I added the period