Cannot schedule event in the past

I gave this argument when creating my scheduled event:
scheduledStartTime: timestamp
scheduledStartTime: timestamp
The bot wrote this date in the message in my guild:
Saturday, 26 August 2023 15:00
Saturday, 26 August 2023 15:00
That is in a few minutes for me in my timezone, so it should be in the future. However, in my console, a completely wrong date is being sent to the API:
scheduled_start_time: '1970-01-20T14:17:34.800Z'
scheduled_start_time: '1970-01-20T14:17:34.800Z'
And thus I'm getting the following error:
scheduled_start_time[GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_SCHEDULE_PAST]: Cannot schedule event in the past.
scheduled_start_time[GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_SCHEDULE_PAST]: Cannot schedule event in the past.
4 Replies
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈10mo ago
is the timestamp in milliseconds?
주체사상공부모임 위원장 매트
Probably not. I can try multiplying * 1000 to it. Ok, now it's showing the right date at least, using this timestamp for half an hour into the future: 1693058400 * 1000:
scheduled_start_time: '2023-08-26T14:00:00.000Z',
scheduled_start_time: '2023-08-26T14:00:00.000Z',
But it doesn't look like my timezone. Looks like GMT (I'm in GMT+2). I don't know if that matters? I used a timestamp, so I'd assume that would be the same value for all timezones? Oh, wait. I'm dumb. This was hald an hour ago lol. It works! Thanks for the hint! (Now, how do I mark this as solved lol?) @Danial This post too.
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈10mo ago
I see the bot doesnt bot anymore SCWhehehehehe
Danial10mo ago
Yeah, the bot was offline when this was opened so it doesn't have the starter message