No spawns

I’m not softbanned, i can spin stops and catch things, but only incense and lures spawn things. i’m auto walking under 9kmh.
𝐂𝐥𝐲𝐝𝐞244d ago
Did you have your first Strike ? Kinda sounds like Then you only can spin / catch from incense and lure
natann01244d ago
how does strike work cause i think i might have got one too but im not sure how I got it
Sir Silly of the Sand Land244d ago
if u have a stike, whenever u log in itll look like this:
No description
natann01244d ago
oh okay thanks, i never got that screen though
Sir Silly of the Sand Land244d ago
then ur not banned, it can sometimes happen if you are walking too much, like stop for a min then spawns will load in
natann01244d ago
alright thank you, im still not 100% sure what happened but its all working now 🤗 ur prob right tho i prob just got too impatient 😅
Sir Silly of the Sand Land244d ago
ok thats good, gl on gfest
Luca_pelaa222d ago
Is there any way I can get this off. I got it and sucks that there ain't any pokemon spawning. Do I just have to wait for 7days🥲
Sir Silly of the Sand Land221d ago
yes, but if they catch you spoofing again itll be 30 days (and u cant even log in), and then permanent ban
Luca_pelaa221d ago
So looks like that I just stop spoofing im not risking my main account
Sir Silly of the Sand Land221d ago
That's what I did, so yeah ig
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