got a new suit
Pretty happy with this overall. I wish the jacket was maybe 1/4" smaller but that doesn't seem worth getting fixed. Pants are also a lil slimmer and more tapered than I'd like, I'm assuming a tailor can't fix that? Curious what other people think.

9 Replies
When you say you want the jacket “smaller,” what do you mean? Do you mean taking in the waist? I think the length of the jacket is fine-to-a-little-short, but that could just be that you have long limbs and the button stance is high.
it looks fine to me now! The jacket button flares instead of sitting flat, but after looking at lots of pictures of suits seems like that doesnt matter
If there is excess fabric on the leg seams they can be let out. I just had the taper on a pair of suit trousers reduced, there was tons of excess on the seams.
for an improved drape you could consider hemming the trousers to single or no break, and having a tailor look at the seat to reduce wrinkling and allowing for a better drape on the back of your legs. As for the jacked it looks like it generally fits well as you don't have the common issues of a strained buttoning point, shoulder divots, or buckling lapels. Assuming your shoulders/arms are relaxed in the pictures, it does look like the sleeve pitch does not fully match your posture. Your arms come further back than the jacket allows, and it creates creases on your tricepts. This might also explain why your back does not hang cleanly as well. This is all very nitpicky stuff that only the particularly interested care about, assuming your goal is for a classically proportionate suit, which the cut seems to lean towards
Agreed. Sleeve pitch looks like it could be improved a little. Can you rotate your arms slightly forward and see if it cleans up 1) the backs of the arms, and possible 2) your back in general?
But overall this is a pretty decent fit. I don't love the trousers but that should be quite fixable, but also not super necessary to fix. The jacket is fine as is, and if a minor change in how you relax your arms is all it takes, then you don't really have anything to worry about -- you could fix it or you could not. I seem to remember you were looking to thrift a one-size-fits-all-occasions suit?
Appreciate the detailed responses @cu and @gimp ! I'm planning on getting the trousers hemmed to no break, though doesn't look like there's enough fabric to reduce the taper.
Here's the jacket with a different pose. I don't think I could wear it like this though, my posture was bad.

Ya one-size-fits-all with exceptions of course
Looks a lot better in that pose ;)
Anyways, I think you have enough info now on tailoring as desired.