NextAuth: How to protect route groups without middleware?

Because I'm not using SSR, I don't have access to middlewares. My first idea was moving useSession({required: true}) up, from my pages to my layout. But that's not working out because useSession() only works within <SessionProvider> {children} </SessionProvider>. Does that mean I need to create another wrapper between <SessionProvider> and my pages? Like:
<AuthChecker> // runs useSession({required: true})
<AuthChecker> // runs useSession({required: true})
And run useSession({required: true}) inside AuthChecker ? Or is there a better way?
3 Replies
arete10mo ago
Client API | NextAuth.js
The NextAuth.js client library makes it easy to interact with sessions from React applications.
arete10mo ago
you can create something like this
Amir10mo ago
Thanks Fatwa, will look into it.