BL-Touch Failed To Deploy

Hello, so I finally have my 500mm v-core 3.1 setup and i am havig an issue with the bed mesh. The bl-touch probe will not be able to deploy at some points during the bed mesh because it is too close to the bed. How can I fix this? I tried the horizontal_z_move but it never did anything. I have attched my printer config below and hope you can help!
3 Replies
cmOP2y ago
Figured it out! I had to add horizontal_z_move under [bed_mesh] istead of [bed_mesh ratos]
can you elaborate on this a little more? i have start started to have the same issue
cmOP2y ago
Yeah, so the command horizontal_z_move moves the bed down between probings, so the probe doesnt hit. I have mine set to 5 i think. Origionally, I had it under the section [bed_mesh_ratos] but an error occured. I then created another section in the printer.cfg file called [bed_mesh] and added the command and everything worked great.

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