Creating subscriber w/o sharing data

Is there any way without sharing our users info to Novu can we send notification to them
64 Replies
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
@toufiq_75078_52369 taking up your question here What stack are you using?
Toufiq10mo ago
for Novu?
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
yes, for creating sub
Toufiq10mo ago
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
Okay. In React, I don't think you'll be able to create a sub w/o sharing basic data about the subscriber Our api mandates it:
import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

export const novu = new Novu('<REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>');

await novu.subscribers.identify(, {
firstName: user.firstName,
lastName: user.lastName,
avatar: user.profile_avatar
import { Novu } from '@novu/node';

export const novu = new Novu('<REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY_FROM_ADMIN_PANEL>');

await novu.subscribers.identify(, {
firstName: user.firstName,
lastName: user.lastName,
avatar: user.profile_avatar
Toufiq10mo ago
react for frontend, for backend probably we will use your python SDK so if its not in react then in which stack is it possible
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
@unicodeveloper has knowledge of Python. Let us see what he has to say What's your use-case btw @toufiq_75078_52369 ?
Toufiq10mo ago
we have internal app, which has customer care and end users, based on end users activity we want to notify customer care persons we cant share users data with anyone, so is there any way, we can create subscriber in our own env
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
AFAIK, there isn't. You can create subscribers with fake data but I'm unclear if it would help your particular use-case. In the subscriber creation code I shared above, things like email, avatar etc are optional so you will only need subscriberID but not sure if it helps. But let's wait for the response of @unicodeveloper
Toufiq10mo ago
email and phone number will be needed when we want to send email/SMS
Novu_Bot10mo ago
@toufiq_75078_52369, you just advanced to level 1!
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
Yes, in that case it won't be optional
Toufiq10mo ago
so if we use self-hosted, then also its not possible?
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
If you self-host even then the subscribers creation process is same so no difference I suppose
Toufiq10mo ago
okay and your product comes in SaaS, correct?
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
I don't understand what you mean by that. We've a cloud version that you can use or you can self-host
Toufiq10mo ago
ok understood
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
LMK if you have any more questions!
Toufiq10mo ago
main concern is users only
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
How many events are you expecting to send every month?
Toufiq10mo ago
its still at evaluation process, not sure about it
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
Any rough estimates?
Toufiq10mo ago
should be around 10-15k per month
sumitsaurabh92710mo ago
Prosper10mo ago
@toufiq_75078_52369 if you are concerned about sharing customers data, then you can use our OSS version instead of the Novu Cloud version. We are GDPR compliant, SOC 2 and ISO 27001 compliant for Novu Cloud if you are concerned with Pii. Now we also have the ability to do a Novu hybrid-cloud enterprise plan if you still don't want to use the OSS version. you'll just need to go on a sales call for us to understand your needs and how to provide you with that.
Toufiq10mo ago
Hi Sorry for late reply, So in OSS we dont have to give users info? users data will be saved in OSS database correct?
Prosper10mo ago
Sorry for the confusion, OSS here mean the self-hosted Docker version of Novu. This means you host the database yourself
Toufiq10mo ago
yes got it but still i need to use your API to create user as subscriber correct?
Prosper10mo ago
if you are self-hosting, it means the API you are using is your hosted version of the API
Toufiq10mo ago
and API will be hosted on our end
Prosper10mo ago
Toufiq10mo ago
ok and i will be still using your portal to create a workflow and manage channel
Prosper10mo ago
the portal will the hosted version as well.
Toufiq10mo ago
okay, do you have any documentation related to this
Novu_Bot10mo ago
@toufiq_75078_52369, you just advanced to level 2!
Prosper10mo ago
Deploy using Docker | Novu
Docker compose is the easiest way to get started with self-hosted Novu.
Toufiq10mo ago
Hi @unicodeveloper if we use OSS do we still get updates in feature from novu? sorry to bother you again
Prosper10mo ago
Let's refer to it as Self-hosted henceforth so it doesn't confuse people reading this. Because the whole product is OSS. Yes, you still get updates
Toufiq9mo ago
Hi we have deployed Self-hosted and we are able to deploy it make it work. After doing all configuration and adding React code to client, we are able to get notifications. But we found database is getting deleted after some time even though docker-compose command is still working has anyone faced this?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Hi @toufiq_75078_52369 Possible reason of this is your database is publicly accessible I would recommend to add some security group rules to restrict it's public access
Toufiq9mo ago
Ok let me try that as of now its open, i will look into it
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Toufiq9mo ago
Hi @Pawan Jain can we use other Database apart from mongodb Like our current postgresSql database
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Unfortunately No Only mongodb is supported
Toufiq9mo ago
okay in local env can we move mongodb from docker-compose and run it as diff service and then connect it to novu using env variables this can be done correct?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Yes it can be done
Saruchi9mo ago
Hi @toufiq_75078_52369 Can you please share the environment variables u used to self host? Whenever i try to sign up or sign in it throws me a network error
Toufiq9mo ago
in .env change localhost to ur IP adress, it should work @Pawan Jain i have added authentication in mongodb and was able to run though docker-compose. But still in my database is getting deleted. Any idea why its happening? is there any service which tries to delete it when appliation is inactive
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Did you add some security group so that your only backend service can access that database
Toufiq9mo ago
i added new user for novu-db, and give that credential to docker if security group is different can you provide some documetation which i can refer
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
HI @toufiq_75078_52369 unfortunately, I will not be able to help to set up specific things on aws side You just need to make sure that only novu services will be able to talk to database. Why this data loss happens is because, if you make your database access to public, any malicious actor on internet sweeps all your data and reset this
Toufiq9mo ago
On Self-hosted novu, when i try to Integrate Amazon SES or Custom SMTP email, i am getting 500 internal error
Novu_Bot9mo ago
@toufiq_75078_52369, you just advanced to level 3!
Toufiq9mo ago
i will send screenshot in sometime
Toufiq9mo ago
No description
Toufiq9mo ago
No description
Toufiq9mo ago
err: { api | "type": "Error", api | "message": "{"success":false,"code":"failed","message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}", api | "stack": api | Error: {"success":false,"code":"failed","message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."} api | at SESHandler.<anonymous> (/usr/src/app/packages/application-generic/build/main/factories/mail/handlers/base.handler.js:42:23) api | at (<anonymous>) api | at fulfilled (/usr/src/app/packages/application-generic/build/main/factories/mail/handlers/base.handler.js:5:58) api | } Hi can any one help me for above issue we have verified AWS SES credentials with standalone script but Novu is not taking that novu throwing error 500 internal error and its not giving proper error also. I came to know about error through logs Hi @Pawan Jain
We are Integrating Amazon SES and we are not able to do as this email id is not "" verified in our SES. We have sent email to above id, can you please ask us to verify it
Saruchi9mo ago
Hi Toufiq, Please also check the region you have specified in Novu Is it same as the AWS region of your user?
Novu_Bot9mo ago
@saruchi_13291_71869, you just advanced to level 5!
Toufiq9mo ago
Hi @Pawan Jain @Saruchi , We are able to resolve issue. We asked our AWS team to mark "" as verified and it worked. But Novu can have better / self explanatory failure message. 500 internal server error doesnt make sense at all.
Tomer Barnea
Tomer Barnea9mo ago
Agreed @Toufiq, @Pawan Jain should we open a ticket? Do we have one?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
No, let me create a ticket for this.
Toufiq9mo ago
Thanks guys for creating ticket.